Category: Lifestyle Fashion

How do you know when a guy likes you?

If you’ve ever wondered if a guy you’re interested in likes you, you’re not alone. If you only knew about some behavior problems, you could notice it in advance and you could better think about your own strategy for him. At the end I also give you an easy...

The Beatles books I own – My five favorites

I’ve been collecting books on The Beatles since my teens, though I’ll admit that my crawling of Beatles-related volumes has dwindled in the last ten years or so. Although I still love his music and continue to admire Paul McCartney’s endless energy and enthusiasm, there are a few other...

4 Things to Know Before Hiring a Financial Advisor

1. Are you a fiduciary? Most people have the misconception that all financial advisors must always act in the best interest of their clients. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. In fact, only a small percentage of advisers actually practice strictly as fiduciaries. Why is this so...

An eczema treatment that calms and soothes inflamed skin

Sometimes the skin is so raw, inflamed, and may even have a hard crust on top, that even the most powerful steroid creams can’t seem to break through and soothe eczema and dry skin. Apart from the pain of having itchy inflamed skin, sleep is also affected and as...

How to treat various types of guests!

In the old days, guests used to come to your house unannounced, at any time of the day or even late at night. You didn’t complain much, because in those days the facilities available to keep busy were limited: there were no mobile phones and only a privileged few...

Bridal Fashion ’09

It’s that time of year again when the wedding invitations start falling through the mailbox. The first thought that pops into your mind is ‘What the hell am I going to wear?’ Of course, everyone will look at the blushing bride and focus on her clothes, but you also...

Tea Tree Oil Douching for Vaginal Yeast Infections

A friend asked me if my yeast infections are also present almost 100% of the time. She feels that she is the only person who has been through this, but it is a relief to know that she is not alone. She also asked two questions: 1) How long...

American Mobsters: The Hudson Dusters Street Gang

The Hudson Dusters were a rogue street gang that ruled the Greenwich Village area of ​​New York City, beginning in the late 1890s. They consisted of the trio of Kid Yorke, Circular Jack, and Goo Goo Knox, who was a former gang member of the Gophers, a group that...

Colored hair care

After you bleach or apply your color, the products you use on it are very important. If you love the look you have, you’ll want to take special care of your dyed hair. Any process that involves the use of a developer such as: highlighting, low lighting, or a...