Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Top 10 friendship killers: avoid them like the plague

Do you have “friends” that are killing you? I mean, do you have the kind of friends that you walk away from feeling like you have to downplay your accomplishments or talents? Do you have friends who are too possessive? Backstabbing? Or are you one of those types of...

Hangover Remedies: 10 Tips to Cure Morning Sickness

I just woke up and I’m hungover. Now what? There has to be something I can do! After waking up, there are many things you can and should do to begin the hangover recovery process. Here are 10 tips to help you feel better soon: These first 5 suggestions...

The best natural cures for yeast infection!

Natural cures for yeast infection are an easy and safe way to treat yeast infection. If you are looking for durable solutions, then so easy prescription and over-the-counter drugs are not the options for you. Simply speaking, natural remedies for yeast infection are not only effective, but also have...