An eczema treatment that calms and soothes inflamed skin

Sometimes the skin is so raw, inflamed, and may even have a hard crust on top, that even the most powerful steroid creams can’t seem to break through and soothe eczema and dry skin. Apart from the pain of having itchy inflamed skin, sleep is also affected and as we all know poor quality sleep has a great effect on many other aspects of your life including your concentration at work, getting sick more easily because it is draining and can cause your emotions to be all over the place.

However, there is a technique known as wet wraps which can help calm and soothe the skin. The technique can not only leave your skin feeling supple, but by feeling less irritated, it can help you sleep much better.

What are wet wraps? This is a technique in which two layers of cotton tubular bandages are placed on dry, itchy skin.


1. Apply a thick layer of emollient cream or ointment, as you normally would before bed.

2. Measure the length of the body part where you want to apply the wet bandages, then cut two equal strips of tubular cotton bandage to that length.

3. Take one of the cotton tubular bandage strips and soak it in lukewarm water, wringing out any excess water before placing it on the part of the body where you are applying the wet bandage (for example, the arm, leg, etc. .).

4. Place the other strip of tubular cotton bandage on top of the wet bandage that you have already applied.

5. Repeat the process for all other limbs and areas of your or your child’s body.

Benefits – The wet wraps were especially helpful for my kids because they helped them get a good night’s sleep, cooling and soothing their skin. They also protect the skin from infections caused by scratching, as they form a barrier between the fingernails and the red, inflamed skin. The net result is a faster healing process.

NB Minimize damage due to night scratching

If your or your child’s skin is not particularly inflamed and all you want to do is prevent skin damage overnight, consider wearing mittens made of a lightweight cotton material. However, these are not always available, so you may need to make your own or order them.

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