Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Hire a professional bridal makeup artist

Every woman knows what makeup is and wears it all the time. However, the wedding is a special day and everything has to be perfect. There is a big difference between doing your own makeup and hiring a professional. A professional bridal artist has finesse and an eye for...

Stress relief through art therapy

Much has been written in recent years about the healing benefits of art therapy and serious stress-related illnesses. Once considered a useless waste of time, art therapy is making headlines with its undeniable success rates among people suffering from various disorders. However, anyone dealing with varying degrees of stress...

Psychics and mediums: what is the difference?

You’ve probably heard phrases like “all humans are mammals, but not all mammals are humans.” This concept that one thing is another but the other thing is not necessarily the only type of the first thing is an important distinction when trying to differentiate between a psychic and a...

How to clear the meridians of the body

The meridians of the body are pathways through which chi or energy moves around the body. While invisible to some, energy sensitive individuals can see these channels as light flowing through the body. Those that run close to the surface of the body are not difficult to feel and...