Category: Health Fitness

5K Basics: How To Run 5K Faster – Speed ​​Counts!

Are you looking to find your true potential? Is your new goal to run the 5K faster than your usual speed? Are you thinking about how to run 5k faster? Bringing out your best in a 5K is a challenge in itself, as this distance requires you to match...

Do you already have soft focus?

How to Triple Your Reading Speed ​​- Permanently Our eyes automatically (instinctively) follow a moving object. 1. Baby step: a) To triple your reading speed and double your memory (and comprehension), permanently: The first step is to get into the habit of using a Pacer while you read. b)...

How to lose belly fat to get 6 abs

Have you ever wondered why your abs are not showing and why your belly fat is still there when you are doing sit-ups hundreds of times and running a mile every day? In every gym, you can watch guys doing sit-ups hoping to lose their belly fat so they...

Quick tips on how to burn fat fast

There are some elements that I feel many don’t realize. I have received many letters from people asking why they are not burning as much fat as fast as they would like. Well guys and gals, there are some small changes you can make to your lifestyle that would...

lose weight while you sleep

Lose Weight While You Sleep – Wow! I have many clients who constantly ask me how to lose weight, but very rarely do people consider the fact that you can speed up your metabolism while you sleep. I think this is because most people associate fat loss with hard...

Protein needs: men versus women

It is the same old war going on to end all wars. Are the men and women really so different? Genetically we are different. We have different hormones and we mature at different rates. Our brains process information differently, and studies suggest that we even communicate in totally different...

The importance of protein in vertical jump training

The following are some facts about a high-protein diet that will help build the muscle needed to get the desired vertical jump explosion. This information comes from an expert who has trained high school, college, NBA, Olympic, and professional dunker athletes who has developed a system to increase your...