Exercise Ball Exercises – 10 Exercise Ball Exercises To Sculpt Your Body

Remember, your body is constantly adapting to everything. This means that repeating these exercise ball exercises over and over again will not give you long-term results. Visit the website below for free personal training.

With that in mind, chances are you’re used to using the machines and maybe some weights when you’re at the gym. If you want to be more toned, you need to discover your weak points and develop them. Most of us have a weak point of grounding force.

Exercise balls are great for building stabilization strength and working your core, if done correctly. They’re great, because they’ll slide out from under you if you don’t steady yourself. At first you will notice that your legs and hips will tire quickly, because you are using them to stabilize yourself. Acknowledge that and force yourself to use your abs, lower back, and glutes to stabilize yourself.

These exercises are great if done correctly. You can do them in the gym, at home or at work. Ok, here they are:

For these exercises you will need a mat and a ball.

1. Feet-on-ball push-ups: Change the difficulty by moving the ball closer to or further away from your torso.

2. Reverse fly with water bottles/dumbbells on the ball – make sure your shoulder blades stay down and back

3. Seated Dumbbell/Water Bottle Shoulder Press: Change the difficulty by using one arm at a time or balancing on one leg. Keep your chest up and shoulders back the entire time.

4. Abdominal Crunch On Exercise Ball: Keep your neck relaxed and your abs tight.

5. Abdominal Crunch on Exercise Ball with a Twist: Use your obliques for this move

6. Supine Chest Fly Exercise Ball with Water Bottles/Dumbbells: Keep feet shoulder-width apart and hips in line with back

7. Plank on your stomach with your feet on the exercise ball: Stand tall with your abs, not your legs, and keep them contracted.

8. Supine plank with feet on exercise ball: Keep your glutes and lower back upright. Keep your abs tight throughout the movement.

9. Leg curls, lying on your back with your feet on the ball: Keep your abs tight and your hips high. Change the difficulty by doing one leg at a time.

10. Leg extensions, lying on your stomach with your feet on the ball: keep your hips in one position and only bend your knees. Change the difficulty using one leg at a time.

These are all great exercise ball exercises and very effective if you’re changing your variables correctly. The technique on them is much more complicated than listing the names.

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