Category: Relationship

Building a new house: what is the cheapest square foot?

Using square footage on your foundation may be the cheapest usable square footage in your home. Well, what does that mean to you? Simple, if you want to save money, and I mean a lot, use your basement square footage as part of your home…not just what supports it....

Skylanders SWAP Force Characters

Entering the third year of Skylanders is a very exciting time. They took the world by storm in 2011, showed they could keep it going in 2012, and now we’re ready for the next chapter in 2013. Activision has been busy and is ready to push the franchise forward....

Have fun this holiday season with the best Christmas costume ideas

Christmas is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy and there will be parties and celebrations throughout the month of December. The celebrations will begin the day after Thanksgiving and continue through the New Year. During this period, you buy gifts, organize and attend parties. It’s time to put on...

Mr. Cactus, a short story

“Hello, Mr. Cactus.” “Is it okay if I call you Mr. Cactus? I’ve never spoken to a cactus before, and I wouldn’t want to be rude. Did I say that correctly? Grandma taught me that word. She says it means ‘rude.’ I can’t say ‘rude’ then? She says I’m...

A complete guide to baby bathtubs

Bath nests, seats, supports… searching for a baby bathtub can be confusing for new or expecting parents. Whether you’re still expecting a new arrival or up to your elbows in diaper changes and nighttime feedings, you’ll certainly have enough to worry about without trying to navigate the complicated world...

10 birthday gift ideas that cost nothing

In the current economic climate, we are all looking for ways to cut expenses while trying to improve revenue. Well, since most people send 30 gifts a year, and each of those gifts costs an average of $35, that means we’re spending over $1,000 a year just in this...

Millennials want it all and they want it NOW

The generation born between 1984 and 2004 (this is just a rough estimate, considering most generations are categorized in 20-year increments) are disparagingly known as Millennials. Generation Y, also known as Generation Me, is possibly the most disliked generation in our most recent history. The word “entitled” is probably...

How to Use Big Dildo on Your Partner

Big Dildo on Your Partner There are many ways to play with a dildo. The best method is to book a massage session with your partner first. You should focus on the parts of the body that are closest to the genitals, such as the thighs, hips, and lower...