How to Use Big Dildo on Your Partner

Big Dildo on Your Partner

There are many ways to play with a dildo. The best method is to book a massage session with your partner first. You should focus on the parts of the body that are closest to the genitals, such as the thighs, hips, and lower back. The massage should remove tension in these areas, and help you to feel more aroused. The more aroused you are, the more relaxed you will be in the vagina.

You should practice with a big dildo before inserting it near sensitive areas. Ensure that your partner has the same lubricant as you do when foreplaying. Oral sex can help you practice inserting the big dildo xinghaoya. Make sure your partner is receptive to you while playing, and have a safe word to tell each other when you are uncomfortable.

When using a big dildo on your partner, it is important to let them lead and not take the initiative. It is possible to make your partner so hot that he or she tears. To make your partner hot, you should play with their nipples or play with their clitoris. The more excited your partner gets, the more likely he or she will pull the dildo in.

How to Use Big Dildo on Your Partner

If you have never used a dildo before, try playing with smaller ones first to get a feel for the size and shape you like. Once you’ve mastered this, you can go for a larger dildo and be even more confident in your sexuality. You can also use different types of lubricant for dildos, but you need to get the right one for you.

Once you’ve figured out the size of your partner’s vagina, you can squat over it. Then, let your partner explore the sensations in their own time. Try twisting it inside and out to stimulate the internal erogenous zones. Whether you’re squatting or standing, the dildo will give you a variety of pleasure. When using a dildo, always start slow and slowly and work your way up to the ultimate level of comfort.

You can also use a silicone lubricant, which is best for anal penetration. As you may know, the anus does not naturally lubricate like the vagina does, so silicone-based lubricants can cause damage to a silicone dildo. Water-based lubricants are better for your dildo. Apply lubricant before using your dildo. Refill lubricant whenever necessary.

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