Category: Health Fitness

Keratosis skin problem: overview of the different types

The skin condition keratosis is an overgrowth of keratin on the skin. Keratin is a tough, fibrous insoluble protein that is the main structural component of the epidermis (the outer layer of skin), nails, and hair. When the keratin component of the skin grows faster than it should, a...

Cabinet protection saves builders money

Of all the fixtures installed in a home or business during remodeling, wood cabinets are one of the most expensive. Because these cabinets can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, builders must take great care to avoid surface damage that can occur from dropped tools, paint splatter, and...

Biscuit without Oven Banana Pyramid and Cookies

If you want to start baking, the easy way is the best way. To become a baker or cake enthusiast, I would recommend first developing some necessary basic skills. How to prepare the ingredients, how to mix them well or just get familiar with the equipment and ingredients. I...

Advantages of the BMI calculator

Knowing how much you weigh and keeping it is not enough to keep you in shape. In fact, what really matters is knowing how much you weigh according to your height. Knowing that your health is good is only half the battle because there are other factors that are...

How The Uncharted Games and Naughty Dog have influenced my game

I’m eagerly awaiting the final chapter of Uncharted “A Thief’s End”, knowing full well that I won’t actually be playing until tonight… As my son chews on my PS4 controller while I put this together (I’ve already stopped 3 times in this paragraph to protect my right trigger from...

Blast through your bodybuilding plateaus with anabolic priming

Have you ever heard a bodybuilder say, “You need to work your legs to build your arms”? While there is actually quite a bit of truth to this advice, it also suggests a solution for overcoming training plateaus and packing on muscle when weight gain is difficult. This article...

6 ridiculous misconceptions about veganism and vegetarianism

There are many misconceptions surrounding vegetarian living; Some good and some bad. Over the years, like feminists, vegetarians and vegans have become lobbyists and now it’s not about healthy eating anymore; just a dietary competition. Many people end up being part of the vegetarian team, not because they want...

Do you have cravings? Consider the Yin and Yang of your food

It’s 10 am, you’re at work, and you’re bored. The bagel you had for breakfast earlier wasn’t that satisfying, and the woman in the bucket next to you has a bowl of Hershey’s kisses on her desk. You walk through the chocolates a few times, and finally go ahead...

low carb diet expert

For a long time, people thought that dietary fat intake was what caused body fat stores; ‘eating too much fat is making me fat’. However, this is actually not true. You’ll find out very quickly that cutting back on dietary fat will make little difference to your weight or...