Category: Digital Marketing

Write the 8 categories of WebCopy headlines

My article this issue is an excerpt from a book I was reading newly qualified; Robert Bly’s handbook of writers, a little secondary niche that I focus on a bit. Categorize the different types of holders that are the most common and in use today. My immediate thought when...

6 SEO Tips for Better Search Engine Ranking

After launching your own website one of the most frustrating tasks is to drive traffic to your website and as we all know without traffic your website will be like a mall in the middle of nowhere no one will know about your site website, and you will not...

5 Key Components of the Best SEO Services

Search engine optimization is indeed a great way to expand your online presence. As you are about to shop for some of the best SEO services, you will definitely find it very difficult to choose the best ones for your needs. If you want your website to enjoy great...

web safe fonts

When you’re fairly new to the world of web design, it can actually be quite tricky to choose which fonts to use. But once you understand what “web safe fonts” really are, it all suddenly becomes very clear. Safe web fonts are basically the most popular fonts used by...

How Social Media Can Help Your Business Grow

Social media has become a huge part of people’s lives in the last 5 years with Facebook and Twitter at the forefront. People now use social networking sites to communicate, discover and get their news. If your business doesn’t use social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, then you’re...

Five strategies for organic SEO

Of all the internet marketing strategies in use today, organic search engine optimization, or organic SEO, is one of the oldest and most proven methods of achieving top rankings in search results. Organic SEO works to create rankings for the website based on having highly relevant content that is...

10 Reasons a Local Small Business Should Have a Website

Many small local businesses struggle to reach more customers and increase their sales. Business owners are trying every possible low-cost way to market their business. In today’s digital world, one of the best ways to promote a business is to have a web presence. We can’t deny that Internet...

10 reasons why honesty is important to be successful

You want the people you come in contact with to correctly think of you as an honest person. Anything less is unacceptable if you want to be successful in all aspects of your life. If you are dishonest, everything you say and do will be ignored or dismissed by...