Category: Digital Marketing

A tutorial on how to watch YouTube videos from an iPhone

Are you a big fan of YouTube? If you are like me, then you spend your day endlessly searching for the newest and funniest videos uploaded. Well, thanks to Apple’s iPhone, we video addicts already have our golden fleece. The iPhone allows us to enjoy videos wherever we are....

Describing bears: some useful terminology

On specialized bear tours led by an expert company, you’ll have the opportunity to see these majestic and fascinating mammals up close. When out in the field, you may hear your naturalist guide use some unfamiliar words to describe the animals you are seeing. Below, you can get acquainted...

10 tricks that will change the way you search on Google

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. However, did you know that there are special characters and words that you can include in your search to get even better results? Try following the tricks on your next Google search to get more accurate results. 01. Use...

Try to write a funny or novel song

If you’re a songwriter, you can sometimes feel like you’re in a rut, like you’re coming up with the same basic ideas and situations to write about. One way to break out of this endless cycle is to write a song on purpose that is about something light, fun,...

The 8 cornerstones of marketing

Regardless of your definition of marketing, there is a process associated with marketing your business, products, and services. This process or plan should be framed as one or more goals (I prefer SMART goals), underscored by one or more strategies (a defining policy or action statement). These strategies are...

The power of visual content in your content marketing strategy

The pen may be mightier than the sword, but images are even plus powerful than words! Images excel at certain types of communication, but are not as effective for other types. Still, it’s important to understand what visual content works better than verbal content so you can choose the...

Pros and cons of selfie culture

In modern life, it is fashionable to name the latest trends and technologies with short, sharp words like SciFi, HiFi, and WiFi. The latest addition is Selfie, which is a photograph of oneself, taken by the photographer. It can be taken with a portable digital camera, tablet or smartphone....

Introduction to wayfinding signage?

Today, technology is widely used to find wayfinding solutions. Google Maps is a living example of this. Taking a step forward, we can now find a digital signage system used to direct people to specific places, such as large art museums, events, gardens, shopping malls, amusement parks, historical places,...