10 reasons why honesty is important to be successful

You want the people you come in contact with to correctly think of you as an honest person. Anything less is unacceptable if you want to be successful in all aspects of your life.

If you are dishonest, everything you say and do will be ignored or dismissed by everyone you come in contact with (friends, relatives, employers, and others) as false and unreliable. Who can build and achieve what they want with such a character flaw? The answer is obvious.

Here is a short list of reasons why honesty, as a character trait, is so important:

1. You would be considered unreliable and your chances of getting the job you want will be severely limited if you are dishonest. Employers cannot afford to hire people who are less than honest. Employees found to be deceitful are bound to be fired.

2. Many times, falsehood or dishonesty is illegal. Lying could land you in jail or face fines. The same is true when applying for a loan, filing sales tax, or providing information for a loan.

3. Being known as a person who distorts the truth is a difficult perception to reverse. Trustworthy behavior on the part of an individual is highly valued by our society.

4. Your potential for success in all aspects of your life is severely limited if dishonesty is part of your character. You would limit your opportunities. Others would keep their distance from you.

5. Being less than honest can and will be harmful to others and will cause loved ones great pain. Your personal relationships would be damaged or destroyed.

6. Others are inclined to describe or recommend you as a trustworthy person who can be trusted when you are consistently authentic. Your words carry more weight, since you are known to be a person who tells the truth. Your chances of promotion and credibility increase.

7. Being deceitful to others naturally lowers your self-esteem and requires energy for you to maintain the false appearance of authenticity. Some people suggest that promoting falsehoods could actually be detrimental to your physical and emotional health.

8. You will suffer disrespect for a bad reputation. Others will avoid personal and professional contact with you.

9. Your chances of being able to improve your life (financially and socially) will be severely limited. People known to misrepresent facts and be insincere are avoided.

10. Your bearing false witness is detrimental to society in general. Deceitful behavior on the part of an individual can have a far-reaching ripple effect on society.

Any aspirations you may have are hampered by dishonesty.

Choosing to cultivate honesty as one of your character traits is a must if you want to be successful in life. So is your reputation and emotional well-being.

Many people go through life wondering why circumstances can’t work their way. Often it is his character flaw, such as lying, or it limits the possibility of success.

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