Category: Arts Entertainments

The Bon Bibi Legend of the Sundarbans

The Sundarbans turn out to be a region of immense possibilities. It is true that all forests share a kind of mystery that even the curious human sometimes feels better left alone. The difference with the Sundarbans is that it leaves no choice to humans. Dark and bright at...

coronavirus anxiety

You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t experience some fears about Corona virus or Covid-19. There are many reasons why anxiety about this disease is spreading throughout the world and the main cause for this is the lack of information about this disease. To interrupt anxiety when a situation...

Resist criticism: when and how to do it

I’M NOT SURE THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO BE CRITICIZED. And yet, where there is smoke, there is often a fire, which means that, in every way, there is usually something wrong that can be improved. So why do we take criticism so personally? There is a...

Refresh your squirts

“To open or not to open, that is the question.” Shakespeare is probably rolling in his grave over my pitiful misuse of his famous “To be or not to be”, but these days “To open or not to open” IS the question. And it’s driving most of us absolutely...

Principles of church growth in the early church

INTRODUCTION This article introduces the concept of ‘church growth’ along with evangelism primarily in the book of Acts. While the Old Testament describes evangelism as people coming to God, Luke’s perspective shows that God’s servants will go to his people. Blauw’s thesis is that “a centripetal missionary consciousness becomes...

100 days since he passed away

MULTIPLE EMOTIONS. To experience loss is to experience a cosmic collision of emotions, raining down like shrapnel from the ether, hitting our vulnerability. However, the loss is so rich with a rainbow firework. It enriches all aspects of reality, even if some facets are overwhelmed. The Lord gives and...

Are hip tattoos suitable for men?

Today’s fashion trends dictate that men wear their jeans at or below their hips. With this trend, another trend on the rise due to this fashion trend is getting a hip tattoo. Previously, hip tattoos were only associated with women, but with jeans getting lower and lower, this type...

How to deal with advance complaint

Anticipated grievance is the name given to the combination of emotions we experience when we live in expectation of loss and grieve over it. Anticipatory Grief is particularly relevant to those who have received a terminal diagnosis and those who love and care for them. Terminal diagnosis changes the...