Month: June 2022

Love is not blind

“People say that love is blind because they do not know what love is, I tell you, only love has eyes, except love everything is blind” says Osho (one of the greatest mystics on earth ). I completely agree with him. It is often said that love is blind...

Demand for Performance Under the Laws of Contracts

1. INTRODUCTION: Fulfillment of a legal obligation in a contract is called performance of the contract. Chapter VI of the Contract Law deals with the execution of contracts. 2. OBLIGATION OF THE PARTIES UNDER CONTRACT ACT: In accordance with section 37 of the contract law. The parties to the...

Important Tips for Laminating Paper to Wood

Lamination is the process where the two materials will be joined to be one. Laminating your paper to wood is the technique that is very useful for displaying the photographs or even other essential documents. Glue is one of the easiest ways to laminate paper to wood. Paper is...

The easiest way to buy the best used car warranty

There are many advantages to buying an extended warranty on used vehicles after the dealer-issued warranty ends. However, to reap the benefits, the buyer must be sure that they are buying sensibly. There are many ways a car owner could end up with too much or too little coverage,...

heart of a teacher

When my children were in elementary school, I was a helper until they were in high school. So it wasn’t right. When we moved to Maryland they said, “Mom, can you please not get a job at our school? So I worked an after school and summer program for...

How to get autographs from professional soccer players

When New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was eight years old, he found himself in the San Francisco Giants locker room, where he asked Chili Davis, a star of the team at the time, for an autograph. Davis refused, but said, “Maybe later, kid, maybe if you come after...

Is it necessary to have money to make a difference?

I was recently asked this question after a talk I gave to a group of Girl Scouts visiting eastern Massachusetts, including Salem. Several years ago I created the Salem Women’s Heritage Trail, so I was asked to highlight some of the women on the trail for our smart and...

What you should know about flood insurance

It was in 1968 that the United States Congress initiated the National Flood Insurance Program to reduce related private and commercial property damage. Available through insurance companies and insurance agencies, coverage is administered and dictated by government laws and can protect the homeowner from damage caused by flooding. A...