Month: June 2022

Guaranteed fat loss

Cardio is not only an obsession, but also a phenomenon in our community. Everyone from endurance athletes to seniors, soccer moms to weekend warriors can be found huffing and puffing in organized running groups, spin classes at local gyms, or on a treadmill at home. We’re hooked on cardio...

Royal Gorge Railway War

In the 1870s, a small section of the narrow gauge railway it meandered through the cavernous walls of the Arkansas Canyon in the heart of Colorado. Control of this rail line would play out as a major cliffhanger in the state’s mining history and would later be dubbed the...

Lost Treasure of the Cross on the Rock

The LEGEND talks about how it is valued at over $350,000 or probably more given the recent spike in the price of gold and mentions how the Native Americans knew the story of the “Cross in the Rock” passed down from their elders. Also known as Borie’s Lost Treasure,...

What do cleaning services do?

For most businesses, it doesn’t make sense to hire full-time employees to manage office cleaning and janitorial services. Facility managers often hire local cleaning companies to clean their offices after regular business hours. By hiring a cleaning company, the facility avoids the cost of employment taxes, training, time management,...

The green man, Venus and its place in modern life

Tannhäuser and Venus – Still Showstoppers The recently completed revival of Tannhäuser at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin broke all records for stupidity, but it’s the production we’ll remember. Was it the 40 on-stage hospital beds for the exhausted returning pilgrims, or the 20 suits of armor that were...

4 Useful Qualities of the Conference Phone

A Bluetooth conference phone is perfect for the small or home office to make hands-free calls or a proper conference call. By using this type of phone it is easier to connect with two or more people to hold a meeting without having to be in the same place....

11 tips and ideas to remodel a small kitchen

As we know how important space is and how difficult it is to use it wisely, especially in the kitchen, with so much furniture and utensils to accommodate, we have put together the 11 most successful tips and ideas to remodel a small kitchen. 1. Plan ahead! Especially when...