Love is not blind

“People say that love is blind because they do not know what love is, I tell you, only love has eyes, except love everything is blind” says Osho (one of the greatest mystics on earth ). I completely agree with him. It is often said that love is blind as people who are in love never care about the reaction of societies, but rather go on doing the things they want to do.

But before declaring Love blind, one must know what the word blind means in this case? When you say that love is blind, you indirectly mean that lovers are blind and that love is the very source of their blindness. We think that love destroys the rational thinking of lovers and makes them unable to see the result of their actions. And that is why we declare that Love is blind.

Why do we say that love is blind?

1. Because humans have a lot of ego and consider themselves to be the greatest species so they are unable to accept their weaknesses. Instead, they go on condemning that by which they can be proved to be small. The fact is that ordinary human beings do not have the consciousness by which they can observe love any more than they have the consciousness to admit God.

Love is not something that you can imagine through your rational mind, it is something completely from the heart and that is what creates difficulties.

2. The other point of view may be that the saying is absolutely correct, but the word love here is not meant to be the truest form of love. For this saying to be correct, Love must represent possession, lust, passion, sex, not true love that means total freedom and cannot be blind. This love has a completely different meaning and more than love, emotions such as possessiveness and passion have eclipsed pure love that is freedom, sacrifice, unconsciousness. And to say that this love is blind is absolutely correct.

Is love really blind?

No, the fact is that what cannot be seen by ordinary people, only lovers can see. There is no need to worry about society as they don’t know that once you are in the ocean of love, you are on top of the world where it doesn’t matter what the outcome is. Because when you have love there is nothing to fear no matter what. And the feeling of true love is so satisfying that you don’t want anything else then. That is why Love is not blind and can never be.

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