What to expect from Lasik eye surgery

I suffered from vision problems for most of my life and previously had to wear glasses or contacts to see anything more than 10 feet away. This was an inconvenience that affected me in many different ways. Going to the pool or playing sports was a hassle, and driving at night or when it was raining or snowing was downright dangerous even with my corrective lenses. I was tired of having to keep track of my glasses everywhere I went. I was tired of the expense involved in using contacts. So I finally decided to have Lasik eye surgery a few months ago, a move that has completely changed my life for the better!

My Lasik eye surgery went off without a hitch and the results are simply amazing. I have better than 20/20 vision and am amazed at the sharpness and clarity of objects around me. I no longer have red, irritated or itchy eyes on a daily basis, nor do I have to worry about things going back to the way they used to be, since the corrections made by Lasik eye surgery are permanent.

Now I’d like to share some of my experiences with you so you can get an idea of ​​what to expect if you’re considering this procedure. First of all, you need to find a doctor or clinic that is licensed to perform Lasik eye surgery. I recommend visiting or checking the websites of several different places just for more options. Not all clinics are created equal, so you should also check out patient testimonials. Also, it’s not a bad idea to ask about side effects (like infections) that can come from the operation. An honest doctor should have no problem being upfront with you about these things.

Once you select a clinic, you will need to go through a preliminary screening to determine if you are a good candidate for Lasik eye surgery. Not everyone is, so be prepared for possible disappointment in this regard. If your doctor gives you the green light, he or she will probably schedule your operation date and then send you home with some special drops to help prepare your eyes.

The day you have Lasik eye surgery can be a bit stressful, but there really is nothing to worry about. Some people experience some discomfort due to the mechanism used to hold the eyelids open. Other than that, the procedure itself is painless.

The few days after Lasik eye surgery can be uncomfortable. You will be given more drops to use, you will need to carefully shield your eyes and you may experience some pain or a dull ache at this point. You will also need to have a follow-up exam to make sure there are no complications or infections. Within a week or so, your eyesight will be clearer than ever!

I am not a healthcare professional, so your experience may vary significantly from mine. Before making any decisions, I recommend speaking with a qualified physician about Lasik eye surgery to determine if it is the right option for you.

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