Website Ranking: 5 Steps to Improve On-Page SEO

Web page rank, or where your site is located in the search results of search engines like Google, is the key to freeing up traffic. Think about it, most people find web pages by searching for them, right? I bet that’s how you found this page. So, if you want to improve your web page ranking and generate free traffic, the first thing you need to take care of is on page search engine optimization. And before I continue, let me define a couple of terms for you.

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) – The process of improving the visibility of a website or web page in search engines through “natural” or unpaid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. SEO is generally divided into two parts: On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

On-Page SEOCreate your site with the goal of being search engine friendly. These are factors that are completely under your control.

Off-Page SEO – Factors like inbound links (or backlinks), page rank, anchor text of inbound links that are not on your site and therefore somewhat out of your control. Basically, search engines look at how many other sites link to your page when they determine your web page ranking. In general, the more sites that link to your page, the more popular search engines think your page is.

As you may have guessed, on-page search engine optimization is much easier to do than off-page. Unfortunately, it’s also a much smaller piece of the puzzle, as search engines consider backlinks more important than on-page factors. However, if you want to have a good web page ranking, you should first pay attention to the on-page factors, as they will make a big difference in how long it takes for your page to appear in search engines and for which keywords. . you qualify for.

5 Steps to On Page Search Engine Optimization Success

Before you can get started on the first step, I should mention that you MUST research your keywords BEFORE you even think about starting a website. Once you have your keyword in mind, you can start with the five steps below.

Step 1: Register a domain

The first step in setting up any website is to register a domain, so this is pretty obvious. But, if you want to make it much easier for you to get the web page ranking you want, make sure your keyword is in your domain name. Actually, your keyword should be the first part of your domain, followed by another word. In my experience, action words work best as an additional word in the domain, but you can use any word, such as site, store, or online. For example, if your keyword was dog training, your domain would be something like www-dot-dogtrainingsite-dot-com. This seems like a trivial thing, but as you do your keyword research, take a look at how many times the high-ranking sites for a keyword have the keyword within the domain. Trust me, this will make your life so much easier.

Step 2 – Write a 500 word article

If you’ve been doing article marketing, you know that articles need to be keyword-rich. This means that the keyword density should be between 1% and 4%. Just make sure it reads naturally because this article will be the main post on your web page. In my experience, 500-550 words seems to have the best results. If you are using WordPress, just add this article as a post.

Step 3: Latent Semantic Index (LSI) Keywords

LSI keywords, or synonyms as they are known to the rest of the world, are an important part of ranking for your web page. It is not natural for a keyword to appear many times within an article if none of its synonyms are also there. Therefore, as part of your keyword research, be sure to note the words that Google sees as related keywords. Google’s wonder wheel is a great tool to use for this. As you write your article, be sure to add several LSI keywords within the article to ensure it reads naturally and that search engines like what they see.

Step 4 – Use your keyword in your title

If you are familiar with html, you know what a

the is tag (for those unfamiliar with html, h1 stands for heading 1 and search engines consider the words inside these tags to be the most important on the page). If you want to get a good web page ranking in search engines, make sure you have your keyword within h1 tags. If you are not familiar with html, WordPress makes it easy for you. Just make sure you have your keyword in the title of your post. The title is put

tags by default so you don’t have to learn any html.

One more note about headlines. Make sure to make it interesting! Simply putting the keyword in the article will make the search engines pay attention, but that won’t do any good if your visitors are bored. They will simply abandon your site and all your SEO efforts and excellent web page ranking will be in vain. I find that telling people the benefits or solving their problems works best. Something like “Your keyword here It will save you a small fortune.” Simple and eye-catching, it keeps your visitor reading.

Step 5 – Use your keyword in your title tag

For best results, you want to match your title tag to your domain name. So if your domain name is, your title should start with Dog Training Review. In my experience, search engines seem to like it better. You can enter up to three keywords in the title tag, just be sure to put a “|” between each (the vertical bar is called a pipe). So your title should look something like this – Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | keyword 3.

I personally like to use 2 keywords in my titles, but that’s just my preference. Three is fine, but more than that and it looks unnatural to search engines, which is what you don’t want. WordPress makes changing the title tag very easy. In your admin panel, click on settings in the left sidebar. In the general settings, there is a place to put the title of your site. Type your keyword-rich title here, hit the Save Changes button, and you’ll change the title of your web page.

You can verify that it worked by visiting your home page (refresh if you’re already there) and looking at the bar at the top of your browser. This is where your title will appear. One final note on the title tag and WordPress. Some plugins, like the all-in-one SEO pack, will override the title you enter on the general settings page. If you have an SEO plugin installed, you’ll probably change its title on the plugin’s settings page.

Now, will doing all this ensure that you have a great positioning on your website? Well, no. But it’s the first step, and a very important step because it greatly reduces the amount of work you have to do from here. And I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely a fan of getting better results with less work.

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