successful friendships

Children are always so direct in their relationships. When a child wants to make a new friend, he simply walks up to another child, smiles, and asks something like, “Hey…do you want to play?”

It was so simple when we were kids. We were always willing to adapt our game to include more children. “The more the better” was always the accepted attitude. We were always much more accepting of everyone and everyone around us who wanted to play.

I have watched my own six children go through the same processes as they grew up. I really must admit that I found it a bit sad in their growth process that they have lost that simple innocence that always allowed them to develop honest relationships with others.

Which brings us to the present.

Why do we as “adults” have such a hard time making friends and developing relationships? Why has modern society banned friendships between men and women as life progresses?

Are we so obsessed with our own sexuality, or lack thereof, that we choose not to balance and enrich our own lives by cultivating friendships of both genders?

When we limit our friendships, we limit our abilities to grow and deepen our abilities to develop true and lasting relationships that will continue throughout our lives.

Successful marriages are found in the development of friendships that were nurtured and allowed to happen. Successful friendships are also the same.

If only we as adults could allow the confident innocence of childhood to permeate our current efforts to develop and strengthen friendships. If only we didn’t have to always be guessing and wondering…

How can you chase me so much?

Staying so close in reach

Touching with heart and mind

But keep a distance so far

I can barely hear you speak

Above your heartbeat

And the rise and the fall

Breathing in your chest;

Our eyes meet in a stare

And I know you’re there

The lights are burning bright

In the corners of your mind

Lighting the way to your soul

inviting me to the

consolation of your peace

And yet

there is a doubt

an uncertainty

And I’m left wondering if

You offer an invitation inside

Or just reflect mine

puzzled curiosity

Wondering, even hoping

“And yes….”

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