Von Willebrand disease in Dobermans

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a common health problem in Dobermans. It is a hemorrhagic disease, like hemophilia in humans, that can be life-threatening for a Doberman due to surgery or injury. Although it exists in other breeds, such as Poodles, Shelties, Scottish Terriers, and Pembroke Welsh Corgi, it...

Why is address verification important to your business?

Customer service has become the mantra of each and every business these days. In order to improve their customer service, companies go the extra mile to ensure that their customers remain happy and loyal with the services. Simply put, customers expect the perfect service, which can be offset by...

Google Glass: One of the Latest Advances in Computer Technology

Computers and technology advance at an ever-increasing rate. What was new a year ago is now out of date, and the futuristic innovations to come really don’t seem that far off. Tablets and smartphones brought touch interactivity to the masses, but now voice-activated wearable technology is pushing the limits...

Silicon carbide: all about this serendipitous discovery

So many important discoveries that we know about today were serendipitous discoveries, which means they were all discovered accidentally. For example, microwave discovery, X-ray, pacemaker, cereal, etc. We all agree that we are grateful for those accidents. Some of these discoveries have made our lives easier or have properties...

Make a difference in your work!

What is your purpose? Happiness is that state of consciousness that comes from the achievement of one’s own values. ” – Ayn Rand “If you want to get somewhere, you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. So never, never, never give up.”...

Search engine marketing hype that kills small businesses

Think about the first thing you heard about “marketing a website” on the web. 99% of the time, the first words someone hears are “search engine marketing.” Or something like the phrase. And from that moment on, the hammering of misinformation never abates. You are led to believe that...

Fish Room Flooring – Have You Thought About It?

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a fishing parlor, but those who do enjoy the benefits it provides. There is plenty of room for sinks, shelters, skimmers, filters, sterilizers, etc. It also gives many aquarium owners a place to hide from life’s burdens. Ask a fishing parlor owner...

Big4 IT Consultants and the way forward

Demand of the 4 great IT consultants: “Big 4 accounting firm is looking for IT auditors”, “Big4 experience in IT auditing, SOX 404, business process controls, internal controls” “Big4 ERP consultant with Big 4 experience”, “Great experience at Big4 in SAP market “, Big 4 firm seeks high-level consultants...