Overcoming grief: what is normal?

Do you feel like something is wrong with you because of the way the death of your loved one is affecting you? Are those around you implying that you have to “control yourself” or should you get over “it”? Don’t let your feelings of isolation increase due to their...

Where to Find Ultrasound Technician Schools in Ontario, Canada

Ultrasound is a highly successful field across Canada and will likely continue to be that way for a long, long time. However, ultrasound schools in Ontario are few and far between. Let me help you find Ultrasound Technician Training in Ontario, Canada and become a part of this successful...

The food pyramid of 2010

The new 2010 food pyramid that was recently released by the United States Department of Agriculture makes perfect sense. Unlike the previous food pyramids, it is much easier to use and understand. The old pyramid charts were viewed as a hierarchy chart, while the 2010 new food pyramid is...

Dating right after a breakup?

After enduring a fairly traumatic breakup, there are only two things a heartbroken person is destined to do: find someone new to date, or sit down and allow time to heal the wounds of the separation. After going through so much pain, the question is, is the right choice...

Who are the owners of the Phillies?

One of Philadelphia’s best-kept secrets is the phantom group of people we vaguely call Phillies owners. The Phillies’ ownership group remains more of a mystery in this city than Bigfoot or the Bermuda Triangle. While winning the World Series in 2008 took away a ton of criticism from Phillies...

Will the Raiders domed stadium increase my market value?

Developing a $ 1.9 billion professional soccer stadium down the street from your current business location is usually a good thing. There are always those who may get an increase in real property value due to the location of the stadium, but then they realize that the traffic from...

Sowing friends on social media: Why is it important?

There are numerous small businesses, organizations, and groups trying to cultivate an online audience. Many of these business owners are using social networking sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, to develop a following online. For now, setting up business pages and accounts on these sites is free and...

What is rustic luxury design?

Every aspect of your home can become part of your decorating theme, including your doors. Rustic luxury designer homes often feature sliding barn doors. These doors are typically used to close areas such as closets or pantries. Simply described; they are elegant wooden doors that usually have moldings and...