How to keep your child healthy: Top 5 health apps for kids

Instilling a healthy mindset in your children early on is incredibly important; you can set them up for a lifetime of healthy choices. Your children may develop their healthy mindset sooner than we previously thought! Recent research in the New England Journal of Medicine illustrated that a child’s “destiny...

2008 New York Giants preliminary report

In 2008, the New York Giants will defend their Super Bowl title while trying to improve on their 10-6 record from 2007. An average record and still a Super Bowl victory? What a time of low expectations. Who can blame the Giants though? 2007 was supposed to be the...

The history of cocktails, or it all started with Og

The history of cocktails is probably a little younger than the history of alcohol. As soon as humans discovered that fermented fruit juice, which seemed to make bees and butterflies act a little silly when they drank it, was also good for humans, then the bartending profession began. A...

How to know if your hair is thinking

I often have readers with TE (Telogen Effluvium), CTE (Chronic Telogen Effluvium) and AGA (Androgenic Alopecia or Genetic Thinning) write me and ask me how to tell if this shedding or hair loss is weakening their hair (or growing thinner.) After all, rapid and healthy growth often ensures that...

Growing up in a small rural town.

Growing up in a small town had its ups and downs. But oh how I miss him. The town was small, so small that you knew everyone who lived there. It was nice because we had our own little community. There were no big stores there. Just a little...

What to expect from Lasik eye surgery

I suffered from vision problems for most of my life and previously had to wear glasses or contacts to see anything more than 10 feet away. This was an inconvenience that affected me in many different ways. Going to the pool or playing sports was a hassle, and driving...

The emotional cause of asthma

Asthma is also influenced by certain emotions like laughing, crying, anger, panic etc. But many in the medical community believe there is no evidence that people with asthma are more psychologically disturbed than their non-asthmatic peers. However, it is not possible to have a disease without an associated emotional...