My Funniest Online Dating Horror Stories

Yes Yes. It is absolutely true that online dating ultimately worked out quite well for me. But after giving it some thought, I wanted to clarify something for you. It’s not like every date is a wonderful stream of perfection. Sure, I met a lot of great women and...

Do boys need more protein than girls?

Proper nutrition for boys and girls varies due to differences in body structure, size, and physical needs. The problem that often arises is determining the main differences between growing children and therefore creating a diet plan that works best for nutritional needs. While many know that girls need more...

In Search of Hidden Fall Foliage Destinations in New England

When there are more fall foliage tourists than there are leaves on the trees, then it might be time to “leave” the madness, en route to a calmer fall destination. Many people think of New Hampshire and Vermont as the apex of apple picking and leaf-gazing, but they may...

9 Quick Ways to Completely Heal Acne Scars

There is no doubt that acne is difficult to treat, but it is the scars that make it so terrible that we pray with all our might to avoid it. Before you spend your money on expensive acne scar treatments, here are 9 quick and effective home remedies that...

Alchemy: Turning Rocks into Gold Since the Middle Ages!

Alchemy. What a misunderstood science. I hope this article can help clear things up for whoever reads it. Alchemy is an ancient art, first practiced in the Middle Ages. He set out to find a substance that would transmute (or turn) base metals into gold, silver, or other precious...

Live cheap and love it – Living in an RV

Does the recent economy make you live cheap?   Sure it is in our house. Take heart…he may be forced to spend less on housing. How can that be good?   A very fun way to experience affordable living is to live in an RV. Yes…this lifestyle is cheaper...

Messaging services to reduce geographical barriers

Once upon a time the couriers were the only way to send letters and post offices also dealt with parcels. Although it was a very slow affair, people used it because it was the only option available. Then gradually private courier companies started to spring up, but at first...

A man needs to make sex exciting for a woman

When women see men, they think of sex. It could also be said that men think the same when they see women. But the reasons are very different. When men see women, they get excited and think about having sex. But women don’t get turned on by men. They...

Cleaning and protection of dolls

your doll Clothing I have to be honest here: cleaning fabric is a very scary subject, too simple and too complicated at the same time. It’s even more complicated because old and/or collectible doll clothes are shaped the way they are (full and fluffy), because the fabric is starched...