Magento Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Magento comes with many rich features for online stores to take advantage of. Each new version of this product has something new to offer. Version 2.1 was recently announced and had quite a few features that help businesses convert better. Traditionally, optimizing an online store for conversions was a big task. But with the features included in Magento 2.1, conversion rate optimization becomes even easier with Custom Magento Development. One of the best examples is abandoned cart recovery, which is often overlooked. There are many more such features to check out!

Well, here are some proven features in Magento 2.1 that can help you with your conversion rates.

  1. Elastic Search – This feature is available only with the Enterprise edition. Customers can quickly find what they’re looking for with the powerful elastic search technology that powers your eCommerce website. As store owners, you can also customize the search experience by setting stopwords, weighted attribute values, and search synonyms, etc. This helps you properly optimize your website for conversions.
  2. PayPal Checkout in Context and Saved Credit Cards – Buyers no longer leave your site to pay via PayPal. Your credit cards are also stored securely, and customers can pay without re-entering credit card information each time. It shortens the checkout time and thus optimizes conversion rates.
  3. Visual Merchandiser – Includes drag-and-drop products to create optimally converting pages.
  4. Customer segmentation: Customer segmentation is a great way to show relevant content to shoppers. Every buyer gets the right content.

However, along with using these awesome Magento features, online store owners should also be careful to avoid some of these conversion killers:

  • Make sure contacting you is easy. Display your store’s phone number in the header where it’s highly visible and can’t be missed. Other than that, be available on live chat, email, or phone.
  • If your store doesn’t offer free shipping, make sure it’s clearly mentioned on the product pages and in the policy. Show shipping costs as transparently as possible to the customer.
  • Make your return policies absolutely clear.
  • Communicate clear delivery deadlines to customers. Don’t give the customer a vague message that their product will be delivered within 3-5 days. You must provide them with a specific date.
  • Make sure the checkout process is quick and doesn’t include lengthy steps to add information.
  • Avoid any kind of pop-up ads during checkout. This totally spoils the user experience and increases the chances of cart abandonment.

Magento is a powerful eCommerce platform and has all the necessary features to support businesses large and small. The new versions of this eCommerce platform come with great promises. The success of e-commerce depends on how efficiently businesses take advantage of these new features and available tools and optimize their conversion rates. So, make sure you set up your online store to take full advantage of the latest Magento features.

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