The attraction of pigtails

Very young girls wear their hair in pigtails because their moms do their hair. Of course, this is because styling is easy and moms just want their little girls to look cute. When girls grow up, pigtails hairstyle is sometimes selected by choice. This certainly applies to teenagers, but it’s also true for young women as they mature into their 20s and sometimes beyond. This begs the question, “Why?” Why do young girls sometimes choose to wear their hair in pigtails?

The possible reasons why pigtails are a hairstyle of choice are many, some more obvious than others. In hot weather, pulling your hair off your head is a cooler way to do it, and pigtails help tremendously. When a girl is short on time and needs to get her hair done in a jiffy, ponytails are quick and easy. Ladies can wear pigtails as a fashion statement. Or they may wear them because they want to look young, playful, cute, or sexy. (And yes, pigtails can be cute and sexy at the same time.) Another possibility for pigtails is when a young woman wishes to present herself as an enigma. “Is she a good girl pretending to be bad or a bad girl trying to look good?” Pigtails attract attention, and the more mature the woman who wears them, the more attention those pigtails get.

So why do pigtails attract attention? Let’s start with the reasons why men like pigtails. (Okay, not all men enjoy pigtails, but most do, albeit secretly.) Pigtails represent youth, and in our society, youth is attractive. Like I said earlier, pigtails are cute and sexy, and what man doesn’t like a woman to show off something cute and sexy? Some men are fooled by the conundrum: “Why is this lady wearing pigtails? What is she up to?” Other men, myself included, see a woman in pigtails and think, “Wow, this lady is really special.” But pigtails also attract the attention of other women, who react in much the same way as men, but with possible additional thoughts like “she’s a girl!” or “Wow, she wishes she had the guts to wear pigtails.” “

So, we see here that there are plenty of reasons for queues to be appreciated by users and queue watchers alike. But I will close with what pigtails mean to me. To me, a grown woman with her hair in pigtails screams confidence. She is a fun-loving, outgoing, bold and confident woman. She likes what she has, but she knows what else she wants and she’s determined to get it. She is a woman with a very high self-esteem. There are women all over the world capable of being the girl of her dreams, but it takes a truly special lady to have the confidence to be a girl of her dreams with braids.

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