Logical thinking

Common sense vs logical thinking

From time to time I have discussions about the difference between the two. Many argue that they have the same meaning but I disagree and I will explain why. In my opinion and from what I have researched and learned about the two topics are these:

Logical thinking means = a way of analyzing a problem to arrive at an answer, sometimes using a formal system similar to mathematics (a process) Common sense = It is a way of taking social understandings and rules and applying them to a situation In my opinion that explains the difference in the simplest and easiest to understand way. Logic is used to reach a conclusion using the most accurate route available to us. However, common sense is not always accurate and can sometimes be based on assumptions without facts. (ASUME can do an ASS of U and ME) Let’s look at an example of the two and how they could be applied in our daily lives. At the end of each month you go to the ATM and you always find yourself overdrawn. Common sense would tell you that he is spending more than he is earning. Thinking logically, I would do this: go home and analyze his spending and find out exactly where the money is going. You may find that the bank has been overcharging you every month, in which case the above statement that you are spending more than you are earning is actually incorrect.

Logical thinking is extremely powerful, take the example above. I did and logical thinking led me to shuffle my bills, get better deals and save a fortune, as well as get my money back from the bank. If I had just relied on common sense without further investigation or analysis, I would still have been overdrawn every month. If you have problems of any kind, please take a moment to write it down on a piece of paper. Break it down, analyze it, and seek to approach the problem with a logical mind. You’ll be surprised how this simple exercise can make a problem so much easier to solve. Many people today worry about issues related to money, health, work, retirement, children, etc. However, many people do little to approach their problems logically, when these problems arise, emotions kick in and logical thinking is a process that should not involve facts based on emotion.

It is proven that people who think logically are more intelligent. They reach more accurate results and conclusions. They are people who come to a conclusion based on accurate facts and analysis. Incorporate some basic logical thinking into your life now. You will have wished you had done it years ago.

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