Call your ex whenever you want him back

Things will always be more difficult immediately after your boyfriend or girlfriend dumps you. The torrent of emotions… the fear of losing that person you love so much can lead you to do crazy things. As the incoming phone calls and text messages stop, you will be tempted to call or contact your ex. You won’t even know what to say, you will just have the overwhelming need to get in touch with this person with whom you have shared your life for many months or years.

But believe it or not, the less contact you make initially? You’ll be better Even if you have a thousand things to say to your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, all those things can wait. Every single person who has ever been dumped has come up with something they think they can say to reverse the breakup. But in all cases, the less you say, the better.

When your relationship ends for the first time, distance is everything. It helps keep your mind off the breakup and also helps keep your ex’s respect for you. Because you’re not calling your ex and chasing him, your boyfriend or girlfriend will respect you like you have a life of your own. The moment you start harassing him, even if you think he has valid reasons, this person will start looking at you in a very different way. This makes it more difficult to get your ex back later when it’s time to reconnect with him.

Best of all? Keeping your distance accomplishes the most important part of any reconciliation: it makes your ex want you back. How? Because when you’re out of sight, your ex starts to wonder where you are. You get back into his head and your ex starts thinking about your past relationship. The bad times fade and the good times shine; Eventually, your ex boyfriend or girlfriend starts glorifying the things you did together and the great experiences you had. And why aren’t you calling your ex, texting him or filling his inbox with emails? Your ex really starts to miss you.

Over time, any friction between you will dissipate. Bad feelings or emotions will dissolve. All that’s left are good things, and this is when you should get back in touch with your ex. Do it too soon and your ex won’t be ready. Wait too long and you could lose your ex to someone else.

When the time is right for contact, you will know. Making that call to your ex is fine, if you know what you’re doing. But make your boyfriend or girlfriend call you? That’s an even better option. There are methods and techniques you can use to get your ex interested in you again…interested enough to dial her numbers. And from there, knowing exactly how to handle your ex-boyfriend’s or ex-girlfriend’s phone call can get you back on track to get back together.

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