Living my authentic life through the mind resonance process


Living an authentic life begins with a heart-centered awareness. Heart Centered Consciousness is the doorway to the Divine Holographic Energy Field. Without Heart Centered Awareness, one cannot access the portal of vital energy necessary for survival, peace and happiness. Complete heart awareness is the first step in embracing the authentic self. A monumental change in my life occurred when I embraced my authentic self while applying a personal development tool known as the Mind Resonance Process®. The Mind Resonance Process® (MRP) was designed by Nick Arrizza MD, a former physician and psychiatrist. It is a powerful tool that helps develop self-esteem, self-confidence, self-esteem, inner peace, and a focused and positive mind. It also promotes a sense of well-being, passion for life, awareness of one’s true sense of purpose – a personal sense of empowerment, joy and satisfaction in life, leadership abilities, creative abilities, increased motivation and enthusiasm, emotional awareness and inner knowing. . – thus providing a connection to the Divine and the ability to effortlessly remember and express one’s true authentic self.

be fully aware

Being fully conscious comes from living a life emerged within the authentic self. The term “Authentic Self” is defined as embracing the essence of who a person really is. In other words, accepting oneself without judgement, without reproaches, without faults and being able to embrace one’s own talents, beauty and authenticity of one’s inner and outer being. Through the implementation of the Mind Resonance Process®, I was able to recover my authentic self. I realized that my authentic self is a state of being, a state of knowing, and a state of ultimate consciousness that is powerful and gentle at the same time. When I live my authentic life, I feel calm, centered, empowered, light, grounded, omniscient, objective, peaceful, and carefree.

So how can living one’s Authentic Self achieve all of these wonderful attributes?

Realigning with the Authentic Self created awareness in my unconscious mind. It produced a functional connection between my conscious and unconscious mental states. Once I became aware of the natural rhythm of my heart on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – I knew I was in harmonic resonance with the Divine Holographic Energy Field. I knew this because I felt good, I felt comfortable, and I felt at peace. These feelings were much more than the emotions I normally felt, they were feelings of soulful awareness and a connection to the Divine, as well as a sense of deep peace and well-being.

The difference between core emotions and conditioned emotions is that conditioned emotions are triggered by emotional trauma and core emotions are innate to our Divine Self. Examples of conditioned emotions are: fear, envy, jealousy, resentment, skepticism, victimization, sadness, anger, guilt, disappointment, lack, worry and doubt. These emotions arise as protective devices based on false beliefs. On the other hand, the core emotions are: love, joy, peace, happiness, satisfaction, relief, freedom, courage, abundance, fulfillment, self-worth, self-esteem, and passion. Humans are born with these emotions. Dr. Arrizza says that they are expressed as “the result of the Divine Being claiming its rightful place in our physical body.”

A specific way to differentiate between a core emotion and a conditioned emotion is that core emotions make us feel light, peaceful, energetic, free, loving, expansive, and more enlightened, while conditioned emotions deplete us, deplete our energy, make us feel heavy, unprotected and lower our self-esteem and our self-esteem. When I regained my authentic self, I had feelings of joy, contentment, clarity, peace, empowerment, increased energy, and most importantly, a sense of being alive!

So how does one go about reclaiming Life Force Energy through their Authentic Self?

According to Dr. Arrizza, to replenish life force energy, one must recognize what is gradually depleting it in the first place. Life force energy is depleted by negative or stressful memories that have been accumulated and stored in the mind and body on a conscious and unconscious level. Arrizza states that “the memories you assume and accept must remain there for the rest of your supposed life due to the belief that ‘the past cannot be changed'”.

Before MRP, when I recalled any of the many negative memories in my life, I would automatically feel depleted and depleted, which affected my life force energy. What the Mental Resonance® Process provided was a means of reclaiming my powerful authentic self to which I am entitled as a Divine Human Being.

What does MRP imply?

MRP involves a simple question and answer process that helps you become more aware of and permanently erase deeply buried false beliefs that anchor other limiting negative thoughts, emotions, memories, perceptions, and behaviors in the unconscious mind, body, and energy field. . According to its founder, Dr. Arrizza:

“Life Force Energy is essentially the energy that gives your mind and body life, the ability to function, its optimal structural integrity, and its shape. It is also responsible for and imbued with many of the positive qualities that many seek during their lives. and often feel deficient in i.e. self-esteem, self-confidence, self-worth, inner peace, inner strength, resilience, energy, courage, a sense of well-being, a focused and positive mind, the ability to discern, inner truth and knowledge, a sense of purpose, passion for life, clarity, creative abilities, charisma, attractiveness, etc. As one goes through their life, they experience negative events which are then stored in the mind/body or energy field as memories of those events.

These memories act as what Arrizza calls “life energy parasites” that serve to deplete one’s life energy from their energy field. This leaves one feeling deficient in all the necessary positive qualities that their life force energy brings to them.

One problem that I have been struggling with is the absence of financial abundance in my life. In my experience, these “energy parasites” would not only encourage my feeling of lack of abundance, but would also haunt my dreams in the form of nightmares where I would wake up feeling drained and scared. The feeling that I did not deserve abundance has been a common theme throughout my childhood and adult life. So what can you do about negative memories if you can’t change the past?

According to Dr. Arrizza, the past can, in fact, be “changed” or rather erased entirely! This involves fully releasing these life force energy parasites which are essentially holographic viruses that reside within your life force field and deplete (ie feed) on you!

I had the false belief that “I don’t deserve financial abundance in my life.” Whereas a true belief should make me feel the core emotions of love and affection, happiness and peace, safety and security, and give me strong self-esteem and high self-worth; Instead, this false belief acted as a catalyst for the very experience I wish to avoid: financial lack of abundance. The false belief that “I don’t deserve the financial abundance in my life” actually depletes life. He created conditioned emotions. In truth, this false belief made me feel small and helpless, angry and tearful, powerless and weak, paralyzing and shallow.

To avoid falling back into the same conditioned response when life presents financial challenges, I use an MRP algorithm to release this false belief from my biofield. Leveraging my Divine Self, I make the following two declarations:

1) It is my desire to purge the belief that I “do not deserve financial abundance” from my bio-field now and forever. This is so powerful that just thinking about it makes my heart sing. Saying it out loud is even more powerful as it sends an edict out into the universe. I also claim that

2) It is my desire to purge all feelings of lack from my biofield and body on all levels, now and forever. Saying this statement out loud shifts my consciousness through all dimensions of my being, through my body, mind, and spirit.

These statements, by their very authority, evoke a command to the universe that I no longer wish to follow false beliefs, but instead wish to live a life of truth, honoring my authentic God Self.

Is MRP a spiritual movement?

Before participating in the Mind Resonance Process®, Spiritual Enlightenment meant understanding the “mind of God.” For example, how God made the universe, how the universal life force works in all creation, how all creation relates to itself. This was all very cerebral, locking me into an intellectual debate that made me think about enlightenment instead of feeling what enlightenment really is. A monumental shift has occurred since applying the Mind Resonance Process® in which I went from intellectualizing how God’s creation works to feeling God’s creation in action. This was a big change for me. Feeling like God is so peaceful, serene, comforting, loving (I love everyone and everything). Living my authentic self feels so creative. I am much more open-minded, expansive, objective, calm, carefree, calm, powerful, kind, caring, compassionate, omniscient, and centered. Since spirituality is a personal experience, I must say that MRP is indeed a spiritual movement, on a personal level. There is no judgment in the process, no blame, no accusations, just a reminder of who and what one really is. MRP is a form of lighting.


By participating in the Mind Resonance Process®, I experienced changes in the way I now know and experience myself in all aspects of my life. There were major changes in the way I perceived the “uncontrollable” variables in my life. I am currently experiencing the effects of a deep economic recession and yet I was able to find a good job, one that I really like and that provided me with benefits that I had been paying for out of pocket for years. MRP gave me greater clarity and insight through objectivity and heightened feelings of awareness that arose from my heart. I have also experienced increased peace, tranquility, confidence, self-esteem, self-esteem, resilience to stress in my life, as well as increased feelings of presence and vitality. I also feel a greater sense of well-being, greater passion for life, more energy and an awakening of the true purpose of my life. I now have the ability to know my truth and live it bravely in the face of any criticism or judgment. This is because I have accepted myself without criticism or judgment, seeing my authentic self in the presence of the Divine Holographic Energy Field. Thank you Dr. Arrizza for this life changing experience.

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