Increase semen: 10 quick and easy ways

Looking for ways to increase semen production and increase your ejaculation volume? If so, keep reading.

I’m going to give you 10 quick ways to increase the volume of your semen and impress your lover. Some are more powerful than others. (No 10 is the best method)

1) Don’t smoke

Smoking has a negative effect on the production of semen. The toxins in the smoke will prevent you from increasing the volume of your semen.

2) Don’t use drugs

For the same reasons as smoking, drugs will have a negative impact on your ability to make more semen.

3) Avoid alcohol

Alcohol dehydrates your body. This will decrease the volume of your semen. If you drink, try to reduce at least.

4) drink more water

Drinking water keeps your body hydrated and functioning as it should. Drink 8 to 10 glasses and more if you exercise.

5) Daily exercise

Exercise will get the blood pumping around your body and keep you and your sexual health system healthy.

6) Don’t ejaculate too often

When you have sex or masturbate too often, you don’t allow enough time for your semen levels to replenish. Try to allow a gap of 3 days between ejaculations.

7) eat healthy foods

Eat a diet rich in fresh fish and vegetables. You will notice a difference quickly.

8) Swap hot baths for cold showers,

Try to avoid heat around your testicles. When your body is cold, it will make more sperm and semen.

9) Wear loose clothing

For the same reasons. You must wear loose boxer shorts and keep your body cool.

10) Use semen volume pills

There are many products sold online that claim to increase your semen volume by up to 500% more.

What semen volume pills really work?

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