Flea Control – Get Rid Of Fleas On Furniture

If your beloved pets like to sit and sleep on furniture, you can bet your fleas will burrow in and take up residence like kings!

The first step you should take towards furniture is to vacuum it thoroughly every day. You also can’t forget to vacuum under the cushions. You’ll need to hit all the hard-to-reach places especially hard, as these can be little havens for fleas. The same goes for the bottom of all their chairs. After sweeping, you should get out a bucket of soap and water and wipe down the furniture as best you can. A good detergent will be more than capable of killing fleas, but you’ll need something a little stronger to kill the eggs they’ll leave behind.

For this you may want to pick up some diatomaceous earth and dust the furniture with it. She must wear a mask and eye protection while doing this just to be careful. The dust should be left on the furniture for a few days. After it has settled, you should vacuum to remove any extra dust and dead fleas. This should be done with a disposable bag that you can seal and throw away. By pull I mean pull. You have to take it outside and away from your house. Any live fleas in the bag may try to escape and return home.

A borate-based powder is another option for you. They will be able to handle the flea situation for up to a year if used correctly. You should wait around 7 days for the dust to settle before vacuuming it up.

The best way in general is to use a combination of something to kill the adult fleas and their eggs and larvae. One option is a growth regulator such as Mithoprene or possibly Pyriproxyfen. If you use them, you will be able to kill flea larvae effectively for a long period of time. Just remember to let any sprays dry completely before using the furniture. In fact, you should let it dry and then vacuum it before you use it.

Any serious insecticide must have a follow-up vacuum treatment. The insecticide will kill most of the larvae and eggs, but some survivors will develop into adults that will need to be removed by vacuuming. Regardless of what you decide to use, you should use a combination that eliminates the development cycle and kills the adults at the same time. To get rid of them completely, you’ll need to vacuum up any stragglers as time goes on.

Throughout this process you cannot forget that you also have to get rid of all the fleas on your pet and on your lawn. These may require more serious insecticides, so be careful around children. If you are ever unsure of what to do, don’t hesitate to ask a professional for help. All in all, here are some of the best strategies I’ve used to get rid of fleas on furniture.

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