how to teach spelling

How to teach spelling is always a topic that stirs strong opinions. You must take responsibility and ensure that the student remembers important information. Many teachers have developed tried and true strategies to help their students improve their spelling.

It is widely recognized, for example, that repetition and revision are crucial to making sure students really learn when teaching spelling. In fact, this method ensures that the correct spelling is permanently stored in long-term memory.

However, it doesn’t have to be boring! You can make spelling fun with hands-on games and activities.

You can use visual aids to help with learning. But this doesn’t mean just using pen and paper. Try to brighten things up by using a mix of colored crayons with the difficult part of a word capitalized. For example, have the student use alternate colors to write separately and always remember the correct spelling.

You don’t even have to write anything to practice spelling. String, twine, ribbon, pipe cleaners, toothpicks can all be used to form letters. You just need to make sure you have a large work surface. Perhaps the kitchen or living room floor would be a good idea.

What better idea than to simply have the student, of any age, join you in a game of Scrabble! All you need is the board game and a dictionary. You can turn it into a social event by asking a few people around and offering them a snack while everyone plays.

Singing. Yes, I said singing. You can remember the colors of a rainbow from the song, right? Simply sing aloud the spelling of a word to a tune of your choice and have the student repeat it. All the better and more memorable if you can do it using a weird and funny voice!

Another approach you can use when thinking about how to teach spelling is to try the “Trace Around”. All the student needs to do is print one of the spelling words in order. Next, take a colored pen and draw an outline around the word being careful to follow the letter shapes closely. Have the student look at the chart they just created, close their eyes, and remember the shape of the word. Finally, have the child immediately write the word to reinforce learning.

There are endless ways to use games, drawings, objects, cards and software that the teacher can use. How to teach spelling really has no rules. Just remember that the main way to keep teaching spelling fun is to use a variety of methods. There is not one size for all!

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