How to make baby food with a steamer and blender

Baby food should be supplemented at the age of 6 months when your baby requires additional nutrition in addition to breast milk. Although breast milk will be sufficient for a baby’s needs up to the age of 6, after that there is a need for additional nutrition to meet the demands of a growing baby.

Since the baby did not develop a full dentition, food digestion did not occur properly in the early stages. Thus, to overcome this problem, smooth purées are prepared so that the food can be easily digested.

Do you need a blender and steamer?

A blender makes the job easier. Previously, in the old days, there were no blenders so one had to do it manually and the main problem with this manual process was that the food was not blended properly. As these foods contain fibrous elements that are not easy to digest, they must be mixed properly.

How to make baby food using a steamer?

A steamer’s job is to soften the food so it mixes easily with a blender. The steamer allows the water to absorb into the fruits and thus softens them. Once this food has softened, it is easy for a child to digest.

  • The first initial step involves peeling fruits or vegetables. These fruits and vegetables include apples, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and bananas.
  • Slice the vegetables then place them in a steaming basket and steam them until you can easily stab them with a knife.
  • Let cool for 10 minutes before blending.

How to mix food using a blender-

The blender breaks the food into small pieces. This is what our teeth do for us. Since children have poorly developed teeth, these blenders facilitate the action of the digestive system by breaking food into smaller pieces or ground form.

After you’ve steamed all the vegetables and fruits, add them to a blender or food processor and puree on medium speed until these vegetables turn into a puree.

Before serving this purée, add a little milk or water to make it more digestible.

Before giving your child these purees, you should consult your pediatrician. It is always best to seek the advice of a doctor in these matters.

Stage 1 baby food should be thin and liquid. These are those foods that are easily digested since the baby did not fully develop her digestive system. Never replace these foods with breast milk as there is no supplement for breast milk.

There is a myth that one should stop breast milk at the age of 6 months and allow their child to completely depend on such purées. But this is really not apt as it may cause various diseases in your child and lower your child’s immunity.

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