How to enjoy meditation before bed

Does your life feel like a juggling act? Have you ever stayed up at night with 101 thoughts running through your head as you go round and round struggling to fall asleep?

Learning to let go of your thoughts and enjoy a good night’s sleep is vital to your health and well-being. Lack of sleep leaves you feeling irritable, ragged, and impatient with your children, partner, and coworkers.

Have you ever said “okay, tonight I’ll be in bed at 10.30pm”? Yet at the allotted time, he’s still hanging around his house, doing the last things of the day, maybe emptying the trash can, checking for bread and milk in the fridge, and gathering the myriad bits and bobs that his friends have. Children, even if you have been told a thousand times, have you still been lying on the floor or on the dining room table?

If you work from home or have young children, it can be even more challenging to manage that fine line between work commitments and home responsibilities.

You might even end up thinking that sleeping is a luxury and staying up late catching up on all the things you haven’t done while trying to focus even more on your day.

Sleep value

To get a good night’s sleep, it is essential that you find a way to relax and calm your mind before going to bed.

How can I get a good night’s sleep?

After a demanding day at work and the constant pressures of parenting, your body yearns to rest. However, your mind is overstimulated as you struggle to relax and create a quiet space in your head. Sleeping pills may be the answer for some, but there is a much more effective and healthier option: meditation.

Meditation benefits

Originally the domain of monks and sages, meditation offers you a safe, natural, and easy way to fall asleep and get a good night’s rest.

If you are new to meditation, here is a simple guide to help you enjoy your meditation practice before bed.

  1. Set a time to finish your housework and work commitments at least 1 hour before going to bed.
  2. Tell your partner and family that after this time you will be “Off Duty”.
  3. Gather your favorite bath / shower products and indulge yourself in your bath or shower.
  4. After showering / bathing, massage your body with sweet smelling body lotion.
  5. Give yourself a foot massage followed by a hand and finger massage.
  6. Brush or rub the left arm with your right hand. Change and repeat on the opposite arm.
  7. Sit comfortably on the side of your bed or in a straight-backed chair. Make sure your feet stay firmly on the ground. Wiggle your toes and relax them.
  8. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply through your nose and breathe out slowly through your nose. Repeat 3-5 times as this helps clear and settle your thoughts.
  9. Then breathe in slowly for a count of three and breathe out slowly for a count of six. Repeat this pattern of inhaling 3 times and exhaling 6, 7 more times.
  10. Open your eyes, keep a gentle gaze while listening to the sound of your breathing and the impressions on the body.
  11. Lie face down on the bed. Bend your arms and rest your cheek on your arms. Be aware of the up and down movement of your belly as you inhale and exhale deeply 3 to 5 through your nose. Allow your body to sink into the mattress while staying focused on the feeling of relaxation and ease that flows through your body.
  12. When you’re ready, lie down in your usual sleeping position and say a quiet prayer of thanks for your health and well-being.

Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to calm and quiet your mind, I hope you have a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed, alert, and energetic …

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