GERD Diet: What It Can Do For You And Your Heartburn

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a very common disorder and millions of people around the world have been suffering from this disease, which occurs when stomach contents along with digestive acids in the stomach back up into the esophagus. In addition to drug therapy and lifestyle modifications, doctors also recommend using the correct diet to relieve heartburn symptoms. This is because there is a very strong relationship between acid reflux disease and diet. Such a diet, which includes foods that help relieve heartburn symptoms, is known as a GERD diet. In fact, apples for the prevention of acid reflux have been used since historical times. Similarly, doctors recommend many other foods to eat with acid reflux.

Typically, a GERD diet includes a list of foods to eat with acid reflux. Said list of foods is provided below:


Aside from apples for acid reflux prevention, various other fresh fruits such as apples (either in raw or cooked form), bananas, berries, melons, peaches, pears, and almost all other varieties of fruit with the exception of a few varieties Like Oranges, Grapes, and Pineapple are considered extremely safe as they do not cause any heartburn or GERD symptoms in the body.


Fresh vegetables such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peas, potatoes (in baked form), and almost all other varieties of fruit, with the exception of a few varieties such as tomatoes, are also considered relatively safe. and it is unlikely to cause GERD symptoms at all.

Rice and bread section:

Among the rice and breads section, foods that help stop heartburn include brown or white rice, whole wheat or white bread, oatmeal, cornflakes, bread made with cornmeal, are considered extremely safe and have no potential to cause acid reflux in your body.


There is a great example to explain the relationship between acid reflux disease and diet: when GERD patients drink whole milk or chocolate milk topped with extra cream, they immediately begin to experience heartburn and acid reflux symptoms. Therefore, people with GERD should strictly avoid drinking whole milk or chocolate milk, as these beverages can aggravate acid reflux symptoms. Instead, they can safely use items like skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese, low-fat creamers, which are considered extremely safe as they do not cause any heartburn or GERD symptoms in the body.

Non-vegetarian foods:

Non-vegetarian foods such as lean meat, skinless chicken breast, fish (without added fat), turkey, egg white, etc. are also considered relatively safe and are not likely to cause GERD symptoms. . However, GERD sufferers should avoid items like fatty meat, chicken (with skin), bacon, etc. to stop the problem of heartburn.

Soups and Desserts:

The basic rule of thumb is to avoid oily and spicy foods to relieve GERD symptoms. Chocolate and sweets that are loaded with excess oil and sugar should also be avoided. However, if you can’t do without desserts or sweets, you can opt for low-fat, sugar-free or low-sugar alternatives that contain natural sweeteners, which won’t aggravate your acid reflux symptoms. Even cream-laden soups are strictly not recommended. You should stick with clear soups, which do not contain chicken or beef fat, if you suffer from acid reflux.

Drinks and Juices:

There is another great example to explain the relationship between acid reflux disease and diet: People who drink tea, coffee, alcohol, or citrus juices commonly suffer from acid reflux. When they stop using those foods that aggravate the symptoms, the symptoms are seen to temporarily disappear. Therefore, people suffering from acid reflux problems should avoid citrus fruits and fruit juices to stop heartburn. However, they can drink juices made from non-citrus fruits. Apple juice for acid reflux prevention is very popular. GERD patients should also avoid heavily caffeinated beverages, herbal teas containing mint, cloves, or other spices, or even carbonated soft drinks, as all of these items are primarily responsible for aggravating acid reflux symptoms in the body.

Millions of people have seen an improvement in their condition by using a GERD diet. So if you suffer from GERD, why not follow this type of diet and include different foods to eat with acid reflux and see if you experience any positive changes?

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