Fluoride rinse: great protection against cavities

Now a wide range of toothpastes is created to meet different needs. You can, for example, get a specially formulated toothpaste for your kids, and while you can stop tartar buildup problems yourself with one that addresses this. If you are going to buy toothpaste, make sure it has fluoride which is effective in fighting cavities. To find out which toothpaste formula is best for you and your family, ask your dentist.

You’d better select the right type of toothbrush. It is essential to use a toothbrush that is the correct shape and size and also has the correct type of bristles so that you can get the most out of your brushing, especially for the good of your teeth. In general, it is best to select a brush that fits comfortably in your hand and is easy to control.

It is best to replace your toothbrush at least every 3-4 months. You can’t expect a toothbrush with worn, split, uneven, or clogged bristles from toothpaste to clean your teeth, and worse, this can damage your gums! To avoid new infections, replace your toothbrush after recovering from illness. Brushing your teeth the right way every day is just as valuable as brushing your teeth frequently.

At a 45 angle to the gum line, rub your teeth back and forth covering one or two at a time, using short, gentle strokes. Make sure you have cleaned all the surfaces of the teeth, from the inside, outside and chewing surfaces, everything should be cleaned vigorously. Also brush your tongue to avoid bad breath.

Dental flossing is necessary, as this alone can remove the plate and food debris that are left in places that are very hard to reach. Wrap the floss around the middle finger of each hand and give two inches to work and get the job done. Below the gum line, as well as the spaces between the teeth, are the following spaces where you need to floss. Gently scrape each side of your tooth, pulling the floss away from your gums.

For added safety, try rinsing your teeth. With the help of a daily fluoride rinse or tartar control, or both, additional protection can be achieved for hard-to-reach areas such as between teeth and round braces. The shaking action works by loosening the pieces of food that have gotten stuck in the teeth.

Since young children, periodontal surgery patients, and adults with receding gums are especially prone to cavities, they should use a fluoride rinse. A tartar control rinse can limit unsightly tartar buildup on your teeth. Tartar is the substance that looks like cement and is responsible for the survival of plaque and its bacteria along with stains on the teeth.

Eating right not only maintains the health of your body, but also your mouth and teeth. Snacks of foods rich in sugar and starch such as cakes, cookies, cakes or breads should have a limited frequency. Make sure not to prolong the shelf life of food in your mouth, as this leads to plaque acids that cause tooth enamel to break down. Limit your intake of mints, cough drops, and hard candy.

When you eat foods that are high in sugar or starch, try to eat them with your meals, rather than as snacks. Saliva production doubles during meals to help neutralize acid production and remove food from a person’s mouth. Flossing and brushing your teeth after meals is a great way to go. If you can’t brush your teeth after eating, chew sugar-free gum right away. Neutralizing acid in the mouth and cleaning food can be done with the flow of saliva produced by chewing gum.

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