Doors: ways to make a door open more easily

It is really very irritating and frustrating when you find it difficult to open a door. If you have a problem like this, get it fixed right away. Different types of doors have different solutions, so we solve them in different ways.

Conventional doors: WWe all have doors of this type in our houses, if that door gives you problems, you should examine it properly by checking the hinges and door knobs. Do you check the edges of the door if they need to be trimmed? Make sure the hinge blade is properly seated in the hinge mortise. Tighten all hinge pins with a screwdriver. Remember that the gap between the door and the frame should be 1/8 inch. Check the door latch and door knob, if they are properly seated in place. If there is rust anywhere, you should clean it immediately.

Sliding doors: Sliding doors require a different treatment but the solution can be done in a short time with simple tools. First of all, to avoid immobilization, please keep it clean. If you have problems opening, check the track, remove the dirt with a vacuum cleaner and put a little graphite powder on it so that it runs without problems. Open the door a little and compare the edge with the frame, if they are not parallel, they need to be fixed. Check the metal rail on the floor, if the rail is damaged, bent or dented, adjust or replace it.

Garage doors: You can’t take the risk of leaving your garage door open, as you have a lot of valuables there. Before taking out your toolbox, check the door for any interference in the door for example anything small stuck in the door, if not, check all the parts that make up the door mechanism; such as springs, rollers and cable. Tighten all the bolts, remove the dirt and lubricate the pulleys. If something needs to be replaced, please do so.

The patio doors; If your patio door has problems, check the rail at the bottom of the door for any foreign objects, just remove it. Wipe the door with a damp towel and wipe off any dirt. Sprinkle graphite powder on the rollers and rotate the door back and forth so that the powder enters and surrounds the rollers. Spray oil on the rollers to lubricate them. Apply paraffin wax or grease to the rail and move the door back and forth to spread it properly.

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