Category: Relationship

10 classic party games for kids with a twist

The most exciting part of a children’s party is the party games, so why not start with the classics? We’ve all played musical chairs, pin-the-tail, and limbo. But have you played them like this? Learn how to give each classic kids party game idea its own unique twist to...

Why not give a child a book this Christmas?

Christmas is a time of giving and with all the knowledge around us, we must be prepared to give a valuable gift this Christmas. Reading expands a child’s knowledge and vocabulary and improves their comprehension skills. Studies show that a child who is read to from an early age...

Connecting Feng Shui, BaZi Astrology and Face Reading

My first exposure to the field of Chinese metaphysics came many years ago when I was in Hong Kong. I turned on the TV and came across a talk show, featuring a well-known Feng Shui master from Hong Kong. The gentleman had been invited to the talk show to...

Healthy children’s meals in restaurants

It is usually a challenge to feed your children healthy foods, especially when you like to dine out. Although, it is challenging, it is not impossible. All you need to do is choose the foods that you give your child when you are at a restaurant. Some of the...

Home Improvement: Choosing the Right Floor

You’ve finally realized that the floor you’ve been walking on for the last ten or fifteen years has served its purpose and it’s time to get something new. The options are almost endless, so where do you start? To quote famed architect Louis Sullivan, “form follows function,” which is...

Grandma checks out Elmo’s live toy

Every year there is a specific toy that hits the market and sends parents into a wild frenzy to get their hands on this toy. Most likely this year it will be the Elmo Live Toy. It’s about to sell out, so if you want to buy live Elmo...

syndrome of the desperate

I am writing this article from the point of view of a woman, but if you are a man please simply reverse the genders… the content will still apply. When we are in a relationship with someone who is weak to our knees and we want to have them...

fitness walking meditation

Fitness Walking Meditation is a form of meditation in motion. Unlike traditional meditation, which is practiced while sitting in silence, meditation in motion uses the movements that accompany any continuous, repetitive physical activity as its focal point. Walking, running, swimming, bicycling, and cross-country skiing are examples of continuous, repetitive...