Grandma checks out Elmo’s live toy

Every year there is a specific toy that hits the market and sends parents into a wild frenzy to get their hands on this toy. Most likely this year it will be the Elmo Live Toy. It’s about to sell out, so if you want to buy live Elmo this Christmas for your special little one, you’d better do it before the Elmo frenzy begins.

In years past, the hot toy of the season has caused plenty of fights in store aisles and checkout counters just to avoid having a disappointed child come Christmas morning. Recently, some parents have started checking stock levels on various online websites just to be sure that they won’t end up as part of the group that won’t have the hot toy of years for their child. If all else fails to get the toy, go to eBay and pay double the price or much worse.

Most likely this year it will be the new Elmo Live Toy. Here are the reasons why this will be the one:

* It’s Elmo and Elmo anything is usually a Christmas hot seller.

*Elmo Live Doll will appeal to a large age group in younger children

*Some frenzies come and go, but Elmo is always a forerunner.

*Parents love Elmo as much as kids.

*Elmo is a very impressive interactive learning toy.

The Elmo Live Toy was shown at Toy Expo in February, but it only recently went on sale, so the information on Elmo is a bit limited, but it has already become a big competitor and many stores are already putting up the Elmo live toy. exhausted. Many people watched a 3 minute video and were prepared to buy Elmo Live early to avoid the rush.

Okay, now we can buy the Elmo Live Toy, but is it worth its retail price?

I watched many videos online and read many reviews of Elmo Live before purchasing one for my granddaughter. The main concern I could find was the noisy gears. I decided to see how bad noisy gears were and bought my Elmo Live Doll. I carefully took Elmo out of the box so I could repack him and play with my Elmo Live doll. I didn’t find the sound of his equipment to be excessive, in fact, when I started playing with him, I lost all concept of why I was playing with him, so I wasn’t distracted.

I was just amazed at all the things the new Elmo Live Toy could do. Tells three complete stories of about 3 minutes duration, tells a multitude of jokes and sings songs. She also sits, dances and plays just like Elmo says. He is very polite and always uses his mannerisms and blows kisses. This is just a short list of the capabilities of the new live Elmo.

I’m glad my granddaughter got the interaction of this toy. I don’t know many people he won’t be able to entertain. I’m glad I was able to purchase the Elmo Live Doll and fully experience it before judging.

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