Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Food Storage: Store Your Leftovers Safely

After a big party or celebratory dinner, deciding what to do with a table full of leftovers may not be a priority, but it is an important part of the party. It’s certainly a shame to waste good food, but leaving leftovers without temperature control can be dangerous. Any...

10 remedies for acid reflux

Heartburn or acid indigestion is another name that refers to acid reflux. The discomfort and pain associated with acid reflux are very common throughout the world. This pain and discomfort can cause coughing, hoarseness, constant ear pain, or a burning sensation in the chest (heartburn), sometimes spreading to the...

The Healthiest Treats to Feed Your Ferrets

When those bright little eyes gaze longingly out of that adorable furry face, it can be hard to resist the urge to indulge your ferret with whatever temptation the little trickster is trying to tease you. But keep in mind that, as with everything in life, moderation is the...

Beef Comfort Noodle Bowl with Vegetables and Ginger – An Adaptable Recipe

People have been eating noodles for centuries. As the concept of noodles spread, different cultures added their ingredients. Yeast-free stretched dough is made from ground wheat, rice, buckwheat, mung beans, and even acorns. Oriental and European cooks made noodles in various ways. Whether boiled in salted water, flavored broth,...

The benefits of cranberry juice

The blueberry is a shrub that will generally grow to about sixteen inches. high. It has slender, oblong foliage and small pinkish-white branches, often growing in April through June. Like many other vegetables belonging to the similar Vaccinum family of plants, the cranberry contains non-hazardous berries just like many...

Professional and home remedies for the treatment of skin pigmentation

Over time, with age, our skin develops dark spots and pigmentation. This is a natural aging process. Precisely for this reason, our beauty care treatments should also include skin pigmentation treatments that help you age gracefully and prevent dark circles. Here are some treatments that you can do yourself...

The volcanic anger of the narcissist

We’ve all had experiences where a person we thought we knew suddenly turned on us in anger. Frightened by the attack, we ask ourselves: “What have I done to make this person so angry?” Anger and rage are different. Anger is focused on specific issues. Anger has an end,...