Professional and home remedies for the treatment of skin pigmentation

Over time, with age, our skin develops dark spots and pigmentation. This is a natural aging process. Precisely for this reason, our beauty care treatments should also include skin pigmentation treatments that help you age gracefully and prevent dark circles. Here are some treatments that you can do yourself at home and some professional treatments that can be done at a reputable skin clinic.

Natural home remedies require patience and the effects are seen only after consistent and persistent efforts:


Grate a papaya and extract the juice. Apply this juice on the pigmented area. You can even apply it all over your face to get that glow and glow. Apply this regularly for about a month. You will start to see amazing results. This is because the papaya enzyme has properties that help remove dead cells. Every time you apply papaya juice, it removes the dead cells and the new generation of cells gradually removes the pigmented parts.

almond and milk

Dryness is known to be one of the causes of pigmentation. Therefore, eliminating dryness is essential. The almond contains natural fatty acids. The nutrients present in almonds help nourish it. Milk is also known to be a lightening agent. For this treatment, soak the almonds in milk overnight. Crush them into a paste. Apply this paste on the pigmented areas.

guava and banana

Guava’s lycopene content makes it a great darkening treatment. Banana is also known for its lightening properties. Make a pulp by crushing guava and banana and apply on the pigmented areas.


Avocados are known to be rich in fatty acids, vitamin C, and oleic acid. This makes them very good agents for rejuvenation and healing.

cocoa butter

Cocoa butter can help soothe and heal the skin as it has antioxidant properties. Cocoa nourishes and helps prevent hyperpigmentation.

Beaver oil

Castor Oil and Vitamin E leave skin silky smooth. Vitamin E helps to revive it.

The following remedies require specialists and you can opt for them if all home remedies fail. Be sure to visit a well-known clinic for these treatments.

laser toning

With the use of laser toning you can improve texture, tone, and also reduce fine lines and wrinkles. This treatment is also used to reduce fine lines and sun spots. Leaves a fresh shine.

oxy facial

Oxy facial instantly hydrates and gives an instant glow. It uses a combination of ultrasound and pressurized oxygen flow.


Gently removes dead skin cells with the help of tiny crystals that flow through a specially created handpiece that brightens and reduces pigmentation. This is a painless procedure and works like a quick fix for your skin!

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