Category: Health Fitness

What are the best German beer brands?

Because there are so many excellent breweries in Germany (over 1,300), it is quite difficult to say which are the best German beer brands. Foreigners are certainly familiar with brands like Lowenbrau and Becks; these are among the most exported German beers. Germans prefer to have favorite types of...

Control and end chronic pain and fight hunger pangs at the same time

How do you reduce your consumption and reduce portion sizes? Especially when you’re always hungry? It seems impossible. It’s possible. Learning what foods your body needs will ease your hunger issues as well as your overall girth. Staying flexible will be an added benefit, as well as curing any...

Guaranteed fat loss

Cardio is not only an obsession, but also a phenomenon in our community. Everyone from endurance athletes to seniors, soccer moms to weekend warriors can be found huffing and puffing in organized running groups, spin classes at local gyms, or on a treadmill at home. We’re hooked on cardio...

Bodybuilding Diet: 9 Step Checklist To Build Muscle Fast

Creating an effective bodybuilding diet is the most essential aspect of any muscle building plan. Even if you have the best weightlifting routine known to mankind, you can forget about getting bigger, you can forget about adding muscle mass altogether if you don’t. consequently follow a high quality diet...

7 Quick Weight Loss Tips – Lose 10 Pounds in a Week

Wouldn’t it be great if you could eat as much as you wanted and still lose weight? In fact, you can when you know what foods to eat to lose weight fast. Just keep in mind that you want to maintain good nutrition while losing weight. Although there are...

How to stop eating by experimenting enough

Have you ever had the feeling that you can’t stop eating? That there is never enough? What are you a bottomless pit? These experiences are an opportunity to delve deeper, to discover what may be going on behind. Don’t blame your food or weight. Allow yourself to look deeper....

Help, Due to Physical Problems I Have Difficulty Exercising

“Oh, I can’t exercise. I have knee problems. I can’t raise my arms above shoulder height.” How often do we hear such statements. They may be true, but most problems don’t have to prevent a person from participating in some form of activity to stay fit. The difficulty for...

Can rapid weight loss cause back pain?

It is well established that being overweight or obese increases the chances of experiencing low back pain. With that in mind, it makes sense to view weight loss as a treatment for back pain. However, rapid weight loss can cause back pain in a number of ways. Malnutrition Fast...