Category: Health Fitness

protein supplements for skinny people

Anyone who is skinny and planning to get into bodybuilding should first consider including protein powder in their diets. Nowadays whole foods that provide protein are replaced by protein powders because due to busy life it has become impossible for people to have six meals a day and because...

Three Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

If you’re looking for a new training regimen, or just looking for a new challenge, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) might be for you. It is a style of interval training that features fast, intense bursts followed by short recovery periods. You give it your all during short bursts, take...

The hormone epinephrine and its role in weight loss and muscle gain

For people interested in implementing a weight loss strategy that works and looking to learn how to gain muscle and lose fat, there are many solutions available. But that is not all. One major problem, however, is that excellent marketing by some very smart business people makes removing clutter...

How to act consistently and lose weight

If you want to consistently lose weight, you need to act consistently. Extraordinary results require extraordinary effort. Talking and planning is not enough to make progress on most tasks. This will include losing weight. Don’t waste your time dreaming or planning how you would lose weight after the holidays...

Carb Cycling for Weight Loss: Does it Work?

Carb cycling is a diet program that mixes higher carb days with lower carb days and sometimes no carb days to burn fat and promote weight loss. In this way, the dieter does not suffer some of the negative consequences of a purely low-carb diet plan, such as depriving...

The biggest threats to your business

Surprisingly, the biggest threats to the continuation of a family business are not competition, creditors, or even lawsuits. They are divorce and the lack of an estate plan. the big d If you get divorced, you could lose up to 50 percent of your business to your former spouse....

Etiquette tips in the massage room

Massages are very popular because they are a great way to relieve stress, relax and clear your mind for an hour or two. Some people actually avoid getting great massages because they don’t know proper therapy etiquette. Here are some tips to fill you in on everything you need...

The resurgence of high-alcohol beers

It seemed that ultra-high alcohol beer was about to disappear. Drinkers were focusing more on session beers designed to be consumed en masse without causing serious intoxication. Others focused on rebuilding old recipes or creating the most unique flavor combinations possible. Looks like the “big buzz” beer isn’t gone...

When can I start eating beans again on the Candida diet?

This friend of mine is very fond of beans, like lima, chickpeas, black beans, refried beans (organic of course), etc., and keeps wondering when on the candida diet he can eat them again. He also throws other questions at me. He wants to know if the lentil is a...