Category: Health Fitness

Weight loss exercises that work

Here are 2 exercises for weight loss that work almost every time. I’m sure you’ve been to a gym before surrounded by all those machines and equipment and got a little confused about what to do to lose weight. Forget those things. I am going to show you how...

Healthy Indian Food Recipes That Help You Gain Weight Naturally

Everyone is obsessed with losing weight and getting a slim figure. Wherever you go, you will find diet pills and herbal teas that guarantee weight loss. Some companies have even gone so far as to invent devices like calorie-reading spoons and electric waist belts that reduce belly fat. While...

High-protein diets and the risk of dehydration

Dehydration is about more than just feeling thirsty, though doctors are quick to remind patients that once they’ve felt thirsty, it’s too late—they’re already well on the day of dehydration. The actual condition of dehydration is an abnormal loss of body fluids that can be caused by a number...

10 Useful Running Tips For Effective Weight Loss

Running is a great exercise for the mind and body. It is a great way to improve fitness and improve your mood. Personally, I enjoy my time running because I can always feel my mind unplugged and freed from everything going on around me. Improves heart health, reduces the...

Carbohydrates and Diabetes

Diabetes can be a nasty disease. Constant monitoring is needed, it can cause heart disease, vision loss, poor circulation with possible amputation of limbs, and more. In short, it’s nothing to waste time on. Our bodies need energy and carbohydrates are the fuel that creates the energy our bodies...

Bodybuilding diets aren’t just about eating fewer calories

Starting a bodybuilding program with a solid foundation is imperative for you in order to experience the results associated with the program. As a result, it can include diet and nutrition. Making diet mistakes will surely have a negative impact on your performance in the gym, preventing you from...