Category: Health Fitness

Should I tip my masseuse?

Ahhh, your old tip question. People want to know, no one wants to be the CHEAP type, who doesn’t tip. but first the story… I ordered a gluten-free pizza the other day, and the guy went up to the 23rd floor. He had the “just getting through the day”...

How To Get Six Pack Abs The Lazy Way – In Just 3 Weeks

So do you really want to know how to get ripped abs the lazy way? Tired of having that bloated round tummy of yours? Has your wife or girlfriend been whispering to others how big your tummy has gotten? Of course, there could be many other reasons why you...

Ghosts in the kinky part of town

Lagos, Nigeria; 2005. The Continent; the part of Lagos with rough and decaying houses, noisy streets, merchants with long skinny necks, all fighting souls from different tribes living lives of uncertainties; many die without fully knowing what they are capable of, but return, like ghosts, wandering the streets to...

Drop a bomb on gynecomastia with these exercises

Gynecomastia is an increase in glandular breast tissue in men that makes the breasts appear feminine. The amount of glandular tissue starts out small but can increase over time. On top of the breast tissue, adipose or fat tissue fills the breast. Having larger breasts than their peers causes...

The art of telling jokes – Do you have it inside?

Making boring and bland situations fun and lively is easy for some people. It’s like they were born with an innate talent for making people laugh and lightening the dreamy, lackluster atmosphere. Are you hurt with such a talent? Do you tend to tell jokes in the blink of...

Arm yourself with the right information about diet

Diet information is widely and easily available on the Internet, and many sites offer free expert advice on diets ranging from weight loss to foot health. If you’re thinking of going on some kind of diet regimen, then you’ll start off on the right foot by arming yourself with...

The best foods to include in a low carb diet plan

When talking about a low carb diet plan, it is a diet that eats natural, unprocessed pies that contain minimal carbohydrates. A low carb diet plan has been scientifically proven to help lose weight while optimizing health and reducing the risk of any disease. Basically, the amount of food...