Candidiasis – what is it?

Yeast or microscopic fungi cause a yeast infection when they multiply too quickly. Candida albicans is the most common form of fungus and yeast. You may not know you have a problem until the yeast infection becomes so numerous that symptoms appear. Studies show that 80-90% of people in the US have a yeast infection. The percentage is similar in other developed countries.

Vaginal infection is quite common and causes itching and pain, and usually a discharge.

Men, women, and children can get yeast infections anywhere on the body. Men can get a yeast infection in the genital area.

Baby diaper rash is usually a fungal infection.

Another symptom of fungal infections is a rash on the body of men and women of all ages.

A yeast infection of the mouth, throat, and tongue is painfully red and covered in white, curd-like patches.

Infections often also occur in warm, moist areas, such as the armpits, skin folds, and under the breasts.

It can also grow under the fingernails.

The diagnosis of yeast infection is often overlooked. If yeast is not properly diagnosed or treated, it can be dangerous. If left untreated, a yeast infection can spread and attach to organs and vessels throughout the body. Candidiasis is likely to become chronic. You are more likely to get a systemic yeast infection if you have a chronically weakened immune system.

A yeast infection can also cause a number of less obvious symptoms in the body. Do you have any of the following symptoms?

o Painful sex or sexual dysfunction
or Vaginal odor
o Premature aging
o Leaky Gut Syndrome
vaginal discharge
o Painful urination or other urinary disorders
o Depression or mood swings
o Chronic Rashes
or weight gain
o Tired o Fatigue
or Irritability
o Pain or inflammation of the joints
or premenstrual syndrome
o Feeling exhausted
or Digestive Bread
or muscle aches
or little attention
or pain in the hand
o Hip and knee pain
o Headaches or migraines
o Respiratory infections
o Gas and bloating
or Hypoglycemia
or menstrual pain
or skin lesions
or shortness of breath
or food allergies
o Learning and memory problems
or nervous legs
or blurred vision
or brain fog
o Oral Yeast Infection (Oral Candidiasis)
o Male yeast infection
o Fungal infections of the toes or nails

Having any of these symptoms does not mean that you definitely have a yeast infection. They can also be symptoms of other disorders. However, an all-natural holistic approach will also cure those yeast problems.

When you simply treat yeast infection with medications or natural remedies, you don’t get the long-term cure that is possible. Therefore, pills and creams from the drugstore usually eliminate the obvious symptoms for a while. But the symptoms will return.

Many people also get short-term relief with natural remedies. It is possible to change the internal environment of the body and get rid of thrush forever.

It is important to treat yeast infection the right way to cure it completely. My life has changed a lot since I got rid of yeast infection completely. For example, having good energy is wonderful! And it’s great not to itch and scratch again.

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