Apple iPad review: How your little things in life change!

When I first received my iPad as a birthday gift, my first thought when I opened the box and turned it on was “Wow! Big sexy iPhone” and my second thought was “Why do I need another iPhone that doesn’t fit my iPad?” my pocket and I can’t make a normal phone call!” Yes, like any normal man, I was extremely happy with my device, but I couldn’t see the correct use at first. I was happy with my laptop and iPhone. But let’s face it, the iPad is very attractive: sleek, small, uncluttered, and, yes, very bright. But the question is: how can your life change in more than one way?

The first thing that began to change with the iPad was traveling. As an avid reader, I always carry a book or magazine with me when I ride the subway. Yes, the books are small, light, fit in your pocket/purse, much easier to carry than an iPad. But little by little I realize its potential with applications like Zino, you can store a large number of magazines that you only carry in one small piece, also the Apple bookstore makes it easier to bring any book you would like to read. Also, there is a small revolution in the world of magazines as they become more and more interactive, making the experience unique. So, it hits me. I started to realize that my chunky iPad was turning into my fun little iPad.

I slowly and slowly took my iPad with me wherever I went and left my laptop behind, then I realized that the iPad became the perfect travel companion. As anyone would do, I put videos, music, etc. to pass the time, but as a businessman, I could put my documents and powerpoints. When colleagues send documents for review, they drag it into my Drop Box account and the magic happens, I have it saved on the iPad ready to review. Now, as you may have realized by now, the iPad is the perfect business partner. But nonetheless, it will never really replace my laptop. But when you’re on the go, as a business tool, it becomes an amazing tool only when I’m allowed to have it.

Yes, as a married man with a small child, I have to share my iPad with the child and my wife (you can never win an argument over the iPad!). The only solution was to buy another iPad and yes I did! Finally, now that I have my own iPad and my wife and son share theirs, one can only reflect on this device. Although it doesn’t fit in your pocket, it’s not as powerful as a laptop, it’s a fantastic piece of equipment. It helps you in every way of your life, from traveling, cooking, reading, watching videos, you name it, there is an app. But the best surprise of all is that it has created less friction in my relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife, but there are times when you need your space! When these times pass, we grab our iPad, put on a video, and aren’t on top of each other after stressful days at work. Even though you took cash out of your wallet, this device with its applications changes in very small ways your daily life.

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