Be successful interviewing both famous and unknown experts in your audio interviews

I have had success with both. Well known is great, well known is really good for traffic, because of the prestige that you were able to interview this guy.

I mean imagine if I can get an interview with President Obama. Wow, wouldn’t that be amazing? I interviewed Obama. Many people know who Obama is, don’t they? Many people want to know more about that known person, especially in a good interview. So if you have a well known interview that you have secured and you want to promote other things on your website that will be really valuable to you, especially with search engine terms.

Seeing that the goal of my website is twofold: it’s to provide incredible value that no one else offers, but I’m also there to sell products. It is a business and I have a lot of expenses that I pay to keep this going from the transcripts to the editing and my team of virtual assistants. It can get expensive at the level I’m doing it at.

So you have to sell something to keep it going. A great interview with President Obama, you could post that interview on the website, you could take that interview and post it on YouTube, Michael Senoff interviews President Obama, you could post it on Facebook, you could make the announcement on Twitter, and you could put it as a podcast on iTunes. I guarantee that people are going to want to hear that and it will bring people to the site and if this is your first time visiting the site you will see a popup asking for a name and email address. So I have them on that list and I have the opportunity to surprise them, I have the opportunity to drip them with a series of automatic responses. I have like 87 different autoresponders just in that autoresponder sequence that does nothing but give valuable information to new interviews.

These are some of the methods that I would use and have had success with.

If it’s not well known, it might as well be good. Mike Semonic, the guy who published the special effects cookbook, wasn’t very well known at all, but that’s been a really successful interview because he’s like a nobody who made a million dollars in desktop publishing. And site visitors can relate to that. They may see themselves as a nobody and say, “Well, if this nobody can do it, maybe I can do it too.” So people like to hear that and if you do a good job as an interviewer, it will play a lot and people will listen to it and remember that interview.

It’s packed with all sorts of ideas of an unknown type, but I was able to get all the information out of it by asking good questions. I just heard your story.

But ask yourself; What is the ulterior motive, what is the purpose of the interview? Is it to drive traffic to your site? And that is very, very important. Is it to provide great content? That is also very important. Is it about creating additional content for existing products so that you can increase the value and sell them for more money? That is also important. You have to ask yourself; What is my purpose and what am I trying to do with all of this?

Another option is to meet David Dutton; it has a nice little system for doing this. He goes after people who were once celebrities and his 15 minutes are up, but everyone still knows who they are. Correct and they had real marketing value. A lot of people who were on national television, a lot of people know his name, Dave Dutton interviews this well known television star, although he is not so famous now, that can go a long way towards building your credibility. And that could be your strategy. Your strategy may be nothing more than getting five or six interviews with important people just to build your credibility so that you can use that social proof to switch to higher-level interviews.

But the biggest names can be really valuable for social proof and driving traffic to your site, a very important strategy if you sell products and services.

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