Month: June 2023

Start an offshore company in Hong Kong

Requirements to open a company An open Hong Kong offshore company must supplement at least one director, but their number can be unlimited. They are not required to be Hong Kong residents. A minimum of one shareholder and a maximum of fifty are required. Shareholders can be natural persons...

Benefits of using a soap dispenser

For proper hygiene, every bathroom needs some type of soap dispenser. Studies have shown that regular hand washing with soap and warm water is the best preventative action a person can take to avoid becoming infected with viruses and bacteria. When it comes to home bathrooms, homeowners need to...

7 homemade detox drinks to lose weight

These homemade detox drinks for weight loss are a natural way to melt fat fast. Detoxing removes toxins and helps you achieve your weight loss goals in a relatively short period of time. So naturally it’s a good idea to detoxify your body regularly. It is important to note...

I want my ex boyfriend back, but he keeps running away!

“I want my ex back, but everything I do seems to push him away!” “How can I get my ex boyfriend back when everything I do seems to drive us further apart?” I get questions like this every day from women who want to repair their relationships with their...

How to install tiles

Learning how to tile can save you hundreds of dollars, but doing so can be quite intimidating. My first thought was, “If I screw this up, my wife will have a tile contractor at our house as soon as the project is declared a disaster.” I have nothing against...

Casino Etiquette for Beginners: 7 Do’s and Don’ts

Below is our guide to casino do’s and don’ts. Follow our example and you will master casino etiquette. Do: 1. Know your limits Sure, this is not a behavioral issue, but it will prevent you from losing all your money. Trust me, hobbyists are really good at spending their...

3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their Penis

Have you ever wondered how male porn stars get so big, when it comes to penis size? Maybe you just shrugged it off and thought “good genetics” was to blame. But the more you watch adult movies, the more you realize how unlikely it is that many of these...

The Story of the Jersey Boys

Jersey Boys is the story of a youth group from Newark, New Jersey. These individuals were coming from the wrong side of the tracks and were sure bets to become savants. These young people became Franki Valli and the Four Seasons. They wrote all their own songs and sold...