Month: January 2023

College football notebook (10/11)

I have always believed that the number zero is extremely defining! In the world of sports, as in real estate, it’s all about “location, location, location.” A zero in the right column of the win-loss ranking is a very good thing, while one in the left column is not...

how to bag girls

What does it mean? For the guys who have no idea. In decent English, it means chasing girls. In our colloquial, we call it “bagging babes”. For the people of Calcutta… it’s maarkri baaji! I would keep the introduction short and simple for now. Just to start, if any...

Should you use a real estate agent?

One of the most common questions I’ve been asked is, “Should I use a real estate agent to sell my house?” The answer to this is very situational and a “one size fits all” answer cannot be given. In fact, my answer often sounds something like, “Why do you...

The 10 Most Commonly Damaged Fixtures During Residential Construction

Construction projects are very complex. There are many construction workers, subcontractors, plumbers, and electricians working in different areas at the same time. This, combined with dust, debris, and heavy construction materials, often results in damage to expensive home finishes such as cabinets, countertops, doors, etc. Here is a list...

Writing an Effective Business Plan: Do’s and Don’ts

Business plans are vitally important documents, both to attract investment and to generate a common understanding of proposals for the future. Most of these plans take weeks to produce, and many are written with the help of corporate financial advisors and other professionals. We have the pain and privilege...

How to implement speech therapy during the summer months

For children who have articulation problems, it is important that they practice speaking and language as much as possible. This often means that parents need to plan some activities while their child is out of school for the summer to help prevent any regression or delay in their progress....

Gym at home – Disadvantages of exercising at home

You have made a decision. You’ll get serious about getting fit and building muscle to achieve that physique you’ve always dreamed of. So now you’re thinking, “Should you invest in a home gym?” Well, there are advantages of home gym and there are disadvantages of exercising at home. In...

My computer keeps freezing: RAM

You can tell when you could use more RAM if you open some programs on your computer only to find that with each click, they open slower and slower. “My computer freezes!” is the last thing you say before you punch the desk and walk away in a huff....