1440 beautiful moments

In a photography book I was reading yesterday I read that we have 1,440 moments each day at our disposal. The following quote was taken from that book: “Today, be aware of how you are spending your 1440 beautiful moments and spend them wisely.” It is quoted but has an unknown source…apparently the person was too busy thinking about her moment to put her name on what can be quoted in the future.

I have to agree with the numerical part of that statement and understand the meaning of “paying attention” to what we do with our time, but I find it interesting because so much of our time is out of our control, right?

If we sleep 8 hours a night (which most of us don’t, but I’m just using it as an example), then 480 moments out of the 1440 moments in a day are gone…straight off the top…like a puff of smoke! Now, you only have 960 moments in your day to feel pressured about. ahh! Don’t you feel better?

Then we have the times of day when someone else needs our help with something…whether it’s a child or an adult. On average, that’s around 2 hours, so that leaves another 120 moments of your day.

Then you have another 40 minutes of exercise and 10 minutes to get into those workout clothes and 15 minutes to take them off after you’re all sweaty…there goes that time too! Don’t forget the shower again…another 15 minutes of your day and then to dry your hair, 10 more minutes, clean the locker and put away your dirty clothes…another 10 minutes to get to the car. ..up to 745 moments.

Then checking email and/or your phone can be a big part of your day…let’s say 3 hours…565…oh, and eating takes another 2 hours out of your precious moments because You have to buy the ingredients or wait for it to be served in a restaurant… up to 445 minutes.

Then we have to include the 2 hours of driving time to get to work and home in traffic…up to 325…then our conversation on the phone or in person takes another 2 hours during our waking hours…down to 205 now. We also waste… I mean use about 30 minutes to daydream.

Damn, you just remembered that Johnny has a scrimmage tonight, so you have another 2 hours left in your day to get everyone there on time to watch practice.

You come home to sort the mail, pay the bills and supervise bath time… up to 10 minutes and that’s all yours! Phew! Don’t you feel better knowing that you spent your time wisely and that you still had time for yourself? Aren’t you glad you paid attention to your moments????

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